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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Attitudes

 What Are You Doing More than Others? by Dick Woodward

Topic: Attitudes
Scripture(s): Matthew 5:43-48  
Description: If we follow Jesus and have His attitudes, we will be changed. We will become the salt of the earth and like lights that shine in the world. That means that we will not live the same way that others live. We will do more because we have Jesus living in our hearts. We will have a greater love than the world knows and show greater grace and mercy than the world understands. In so doing, we will become like our Father in heaven.
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 The "Me-First" Club by Dick Woodward

Topic: Attitudes
Scripture(s): Matthew 7:1-2  
Description: Jesus taught His disciples to look inward and realize that His eight beatitudes would make them the salt and light the world needs. He also taught them to look around, apply those blessed attitudes to their relationships, and then to look upward and receive from God the spiritual disciplines and values they needed to continue being fruitful disciples. The last part of the Sermon on the Mount is a challenge: “What are you going to do about what you know?”
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 Spiritual Values by Dick Woodward

Topic: Attitudes
Scripture(s): Matthew 6:19-21  
Description: One of the reasons people have so many problems is that they do not have the right values. Disciples who have the right attitudes within them are living with the right values. That is why they can have a salt and light influence in the world; their priorities are based on eternity and not on earthly treasures.
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 Beautiful Attitudes by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Attitudes
Description: nil
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