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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Antichrist

 (The Mission and Ministry of the Holy Spirit) The Holy Spirit and the Antichrist by David Wilkerson

Topic: Antichrist
Scripture(s): 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12,1 John 4:2-3  
Description: Christians need to be aware that they have an adversary and he is determined to corrupt the Bride of Christ in any way he possibly can. He's after the Bride, not because he wants her for himself, but because he would deny Christ his spotless Bride. The sin that floods this world out of the mouth of the enemy is an attempt to corrupt the Bride, to steal her heart away from Christ, and his truth, and defile that which belongs to Jesus.
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 (Revelation) The Last Dictator by Willie Mullan

Topic: Antichrist
Scripture(s): Revelation 13:1-10  
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 (Daniel) Antiochus and Antichrist Revisited by David Guzik

Topic: Antichrist
Scripture(s): Daniel 10-11, Revelation 1:12-16  
Description: Daniel saw a great vision of a man clothed very much like the Lord Jesus at the start of Revelation. In this passage we read of an angel coming to Daniel to answer his prayer on the very day that Daniel lifted his hands up to the Lord God , yet this angel was resisted and hindered by demonic forces within the spirit realm, thus the answer didn't get through to Daniel till the 21st day, this is a great lesson in persistent and prevailing prayer as the answer would not have come to Daniel if he had given up on the 19th day, the angelic messenger was of course helped by Micheal who seems to have a protective role over the nation of Israel. In the prophetic vision that is revealed to Daniel the king of the north is the king of Syria and the king of the south the king of Egypt, historically these 2 kings were 2 of Alexander the greats generals which have been mentioned before, and Israel was caught inbetween their disputes, this was just before the reign of Antiochus, the antichristn of the Old Testament.
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 Antichrist Unmasked by John Rhys Watkins

Topic: Antichrist
Scripture(s): Matthew 24, 1 John 4:3  
Description: John Rhys Watkins warns of the workings of antichrist now, as evidenced by the proliferation of false prophets in the Church today. Many miss the powerful activity of the Antichrist today because they are only looking at the future.
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 The rise of Antichrist Pt 2 by Billy Strachen

Topic: Antichrist
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 The rise of Antichrist Pt 1 by Billy Strachen

Topic: Antichrist
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 The Wearing Down Of The Saints by David Wilkerson

Topic: Antichrist
Scripture(s): Daniel 7:21-22  
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 The Rise Of Antichrist by Scott Hynds

Topic: Antichrist
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 On The Antichrist by Joseph Balsan

Topic: Antichrist
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 The Antichrist Revealed: Preparing The Body Of Christ For The Coming World Leader by Edgar Reich by Edgar Reich

Topic: Antichrist
Scripture(s): Revelation 13  
Description: Brother edgar shares on the importance for Christians in North America and world-wide to realize the times we are in. There is an emerging one-world leader who will be the Anti-Christ. This is clearly taught us in Revelation 13 in Scriptures. Are you ready for this time? Is the Church prepared? Do listen to this important message.
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 Preparing For A Coming World Leader by Edgar Reich

Topic: Antichrist
Scripture(s): Revelation 6:1-2  
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 That day will not come, unless... by Bob Faulkner

Topic: Antichrist
Scripture(s): Mark 9:12-13  
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 Elijah must come first! by Bob Faulkner

Topic: Antichrist
Scripture(s): 2 Thessalonians 2  
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 Command for the ages: Watch! by Bob Faulkner

Topic: Antichrist
Scripture(s): Matthew 24-25  
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 Who comes first, could be very important! by Bob Faulkner

Topic: Antichrist
Scripture(s): Matthew 24  
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 The Antichrist by J.B. Buffington

Topic: Antichrist
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 I John - The Antichrist by Mariano Di Gangi

Topic: Antichrist
Description: nil
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