| | | | Be Diligent To Get Alone With God by Hans R. Waldvogel
Topic: Alone With God Scripture(s): Philippians 2:13, Philippians 4:19 | | Description: Sometimes people seek the Lord, and they make all the plans, and they have all the ideas. When I was a beginner in the ministry, before I came to Brooklyn, I used to try to get a week now, or two weeks then, to wait upon the Lord. And one time, I found out that a brother-in-law of mine and his family were going away on a vacation, and so I asked him whether I couldn’t be in his house for those two weeks. So he allowed me to if I would take care of his chickens. Well, they were all dead by the time he came back two week later. And his little girl said to me, “You died them, didn’t you?” Well, no. They died by themselves. I didn’t have to do anything about it.
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