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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Alliance

 God's Truth About Alliances by Russell Kelfer

Topic: Alliance
Description: What is meant by an alliance relationship? We cannot and should not align ourselves with those who are not Christians. God gives us specific reasons for this. If we become unequally yoked with an unbeliever, we are stepping outside of the will of God and God's power will no longer be with us. Another reason is that we cannot walk in two different directions at once. We cannot follow Satan and God. We need to ask ourselves who we are aligned with.
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 God's Truth About Alliances (Part 2) by Russell Kelfer

Topic: Alliance
Description: Unequal yoking is a principle God presents throughout both the Old and New Testaments. As we look at some of the consequences of unequal yoking, we will see why God has warned his people against it. What does it mean to be in an alliance with marriage partners, business partners and as nations? We must be careful to acquaint ourselves with God's Word concerning these binding relationships, lest we enter into a partnership that is not pleasing to God.
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