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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Adoption

 Abba, Father - The Spirit Of Adoption by Michael Flowers

Topic: Adoption
Description: nil
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 Adoption (Rora 2003) by Ron Bailey

Topic: Adoption
Description: Having begun in the Spirit. Part 4 of 4; Adoption, a change of relationship. Delivered at a conference in Devon UK. “Session 4” examines the neglected Bible truth of ‘adoption’ and its connection with the truth of being ‘sealed with the Spirit’ It unpacks Romans 8 to discover the possibility of an entirely new way of life as we to trust God to enable us to ‘walk in the Spirit.’ This is personal revival, available now.
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 Adopted by David Wilkerson

Topic: Adoption
Scripture(s): Galatians 4:3-7,Romans 8:15-16  
Description: Bro. Wilkerson explains how you become a part of the family of God when you are born again and all the rights and inheritance you obtain as a child of God. He contrasts the vast difference in the inheritance the devil's family has waiting and the Lord's family.  God's people desperately need to know of a surety their position in Christ. This will defeat much of the work of the enemy in trying to hinder your walk with God. A must hear for every Christian.

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