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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Abiding

 Abide in God's shade, warmth and light by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Abiding
Scripture(s): Numbers 9:15  
Description: Much can be said about this. Look at God’s care. God gave a cloud for shade. At night there was a fire to warm them. God was there to help them. In Ps 37:23 we read that the steps of a man are established by God when God delights in his way. You go where God goes and when he stands you stand. No matter whether in bright sunlight or at night, keep your eyes fixed on God. Pierre, may your family know that you don’t do anything unless God tells you to. This will turn your life into heaven or it will turn your life into hell if you don't do it. Nobody is too old or too young. We don’t have a cloud or a fire that leads us anymore. We don’t have the glory that they saw but we have something better, and that is the glory and beauty of the Lord Jesus. May He always be before your eyes. May your eyes be fixed on Jesus alone. If He is in you, the glory of that fire will be in you. God covered them and kept them and lead them. Can you think of anything better? God covers you. You’ve got Jesus to cover you and His fire is there for everyone to see.
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 (Radical Jesus) 33 Radical Abiding by Glenn Meldrum

Topic: Abiding
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 (Radical Jesus) 34 Radical Abiding by Glenn Meldrum

Topic: Abiding
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 Abide In Me by Richard E. Bieber

Topic: Abiding
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 Eating Together with Him by Phil Beach Jr.

Topic: Abiding
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 Abide In the Vine by Phil Beach Jr.

Topic: Abiding
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 Abiding in Christ (Session 5) by Joseph Carroll

Topic: Abiding
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 Abiding in Christ (Session 4) by Joseph Carroll

Topic: Abiding
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 Abiding in Christ (Session 3) by Joseph Carroll

Topic: Abiding
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 Abiding in Christ (Session 2) by Joseph Carroll

Topic: Abiding
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 Abiding in Christ (Session 1) by Joseph Carroll

Topic: Abiding
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