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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Abandonment

 Getting Alone - Abandonment (CD Quality) by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Abandonment
Description: nil
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 The Life of Abandonment by Stephen Kaung

Topic: Abandonment
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 Alone - Abandonment by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Abandonment
Scripture(s): Deuteronomy 18:15, Hebrews 11:23-26  
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 Total Abandonment to the Lord by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Abandonment
Scripture(s): Deuteronomy 18:15  
Description: nil
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 Abandonment by Hans R. Waldvogel

Topic: Abandonment
Scripture(s): Psalm 131:2, John 6:57  
Description: “Abandonment is the key to the inner court, so that he who knows truly how to abandon himself will soon become perfect.” We have a German hymn that says the same thing: “Ergebung heißt das schöne Wort.” And this morning, there’s a wonderful light shining in this place. It’s this: that we’re learning, slowly, to abandon ourselves. Now, a person, of course, can abandon himself to sin—to flesh, to lust, to pride, to sensitiveness, to all the works of the flesh. But the wonderful thing is that we have learned—or are learning—to abandon ourselves to Jesus, or “wholly give ourselves to One who gives Himself to us”.
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