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Vintage Photos : ~Other Speakers S-Z : George Verwer : 

George Verwer

George Verwer (1938 - Present)

View images and photos of the speaker George Verwer. Founder of Operation Mobilization an missions organization that sends out full-time and part-time missionaries to many countries in the world. One of the burdens of brother George has been to distribute powerful literature to Christians such as: "The Calvary Road by Roy Hession," and many others.

George Verwer has written many books including the powerful book: "Come, Live, Die!" He has mobilized and encouraged thousands of Christian workers to fulfill their calling in the Lord to reach the lost world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

George Verwer

George Verwer

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George Verwer with Globe!

George Verwer with Globe!

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George Verwer with Globe! 2

George Verwer with Globe! 2

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