 Stephen Kaung ( - Present)
View images and photos of the speaker Stephen Kaung. Stephen Kaung is a Chinese Chrisitan speaker and writer, and now living in Richmond, Virgina. At an early age was converted to Christianity and was active in the Methodist Church in China, with home his father was a minister. He first met watchman need in the early 1930's and joined Nee's indigenous christian work full-time, working with him until 1949 when he left China and became involved with Christian work in other ares of the Far East.
Stephen Kaung worked very closely with T Austin-Sparks until his death in 1972. His burden has been to allow a testimony of the Lord in the local assembly, and to help the saints see the great importance of the Church as God intended it. Stephen Kaung's major work has been to translate the writings of Watchman Nee into English, over 50 titles which have been published by his own organisation, Christian Fellowship Publishers (CFP), In Richmond, Virgina.
 | Stephen KaungDescription: It is important even in this world. You know, in this world, if people do not have vision, or in other words, if people do not have a dream, if people do not have a goal, if people do not have a strong ambition, if people do not want to obtain to something, then that person can do nothing. If you want to be successful in this world, you have to have an ambition, to have an impelling force within you; there is something you want to arrive at. And you are willing to pay any cost for it; you will be able to endure hardship, you are able to sacrifice many things in order to get what you are after. So we find that even in this world vision or dream, or ambition is very, very essential. Otherwise our lives will just be mediocre. Or our life will just be drifting. We will not be able to succeed in anything.
|  | Stephen Kaung 02Description: Now brothers and sisters, what is that heavenly vision? The heavenly vision is not a mental knowledge of God. The heavenly vision is God Himself. God reveals Himself to us in His beloved Son. God shows us His eternal purpose; how His eternal purpose is concerning His beloved Son. In His beloved Son, He has called a person to be the bride of His beloved Son, and that is the gist of the heavenly vision. So brothers and sisters, it is of tremendous importance, that we who are God's people know what that heavenly vision really is; that by the Spirit of God, we may have that vision in our spirit.
|  | Stephen Kaung 03Description: Now by vision it does not mean something that you only see with your naked eye. It is something deeper than that; it is God's revelation. And by His Spirit He reveals His heart to us. In our spirit, deep down in our human spirit, we see something of God; we see His heart, we see His mind, we see what He is really after, we see what is precious to Him, that it may be precious to us. And brothers and sisters, this is why we need God to give us a spirit of wisdom and revelation to the true knowledge of God.
|  | Stephen Kaung 04Description: In my contact with God's people in many places, I've discovered that the greatest need among God's people is to catch that heavenly vision. Thank God that God's people are blessed, by the grace of God, He has not only enabled us to receive salvation; thank God that we know that our sins have been forgiven, thank God that we know that He has given us His own eternal life. Thank God that He has blessed us with many blessings. But brothers and sisters, the greatest needs among God's people today is to catch that heavenly vision, because without it, we really do not have a purpose for our life. What is the purpose of our Spiritual life? Why is it that God should save us; out of multitudes of people that the grace of God should come upon us? Is it so that we may be free? Is it so that we may live our own lives? Is it just that we may enjoy the blessings that God has blessed us with? Brothers and sisters, that would make us very selfish. That would make us very self-centered. If we believe in the Lord Jesus and we become a self- centered people, how will that give glory to God?
|  | Stephen Kaung 05Description: All those who are the Lord's, we find in the New Testament, we find among the apostles, in the church history, among God's people, who really glorified God in their lives by the grace of God, they really achieved something for God's glory. They were able to endure; they were willing to sacrifice for one thing; that the heavenly vision might be fulfilled in their lives. Every one of them, you will find, were caught by that heavenly vision. Dear brothers and sisters it is our prayer that every one of us here will be caught up by that heavenly vision. It is not a mental understanding: it is an inward reality.
|  | Stephen Kaung 06Description: nil
|  | T. Austin-Sparks with DeVern Fromke and Stephen Kaung in 1966 Description: nil