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Vintage Photos : ~Other Speakers S-Z : John Wesley : 

Advice to a people called the methodists

Advice to a people called the methodists

Description: A book cover of Advice to a people called the methodists.
John Wesley 1

John Wesley 1

Description: A picture of John Wesley.
John Wesley 2

John Wesley 2

Description: A picture of John Wesley.
John Wesley 3

John Wesley 3

Description: A picture of John Wesley
John Wesley 4

John Wesley 4

Description: A picture of John Wesley.
John Wesley 5

John Wesley 5

Description: A picture of John Wesley.
John Wesley Open Air Preaching

John Wesley Open Air Preaching

Description: A picture of John Wesley Open Air Preaching.
John Wesley Open Air Preaching 2

John Wesley Open Air Preaching 2

Description: A Picture of John Wesley Open Air Preaching.
Letter of John Wesley to Mary Bosanquet

Letter of John Wesley to Mary Bosanquet

Description: A picture of Letter of John Wesley to Mary Bosanquet, June 13 1771.
Letter to William Wilberforce

Letter to William Wilberforce

Description: The last letter that John Wesley wrote was to William Wilberforce.
The Distinguishing Marks of God

The Distinguishing Marks of God

Description: A Book cover of The Distinguishing Marks of God.

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