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Vintage Photos : ~Other Speakers G-L : Keswick Week 1959 : 

Informal group of speakers and chairmen

Informal group of speakers and chairmen

Description: A picture of Informal group of speakers and chairmen.
Keswick Scenery

Keswick Scenery

Description: A picture of Keswick Scenery.
Keswick Week 1959 Cover 1

Keswick Week 1959 Cover 1

Description: A picture of Keswick Week 1959 Cover.
Keswick Week 1959 Cover 2

Keswick Week 1959 Cover 2

Description: A picture of Keswick Week 1959 Cover.
Keswick Week 1959 Speakers 1

Keswick Week 1959 Speakers 1

Description: A picture of Keswick Week 1959 Speakers.
Keswick Week 1959 Speakers 2

Keswick Week 1959 Speakers 2

Description: A picture of Keswick Week 1959 Speakers.
Keswick Week 1959 Speakers 3

Keswick Week 1959 Speakers 3

Description: A picture of Keswick Week 1959 Speakers.
Missionary Meeting Speakers 1

Missionary Meeting Speakers 1

Description: Missionary Meeting Speakers, two church of scotland ministers.
Missionary Meeting Speakers 2

Missionary Meeting Speakers 2

Description: Missionary Meeting Speakers, two women speakers.
Missionary Meeting Speakers 3

Missionary Meeting Speakers 3

Description: Missionary Meeting Speakers, Rev. Alan Neech and Mr. Frost from Rhodesia.
People Leaving Tent After Missionary Reception

People Leaving Tent After Missionary Reception

Description: A picture of People Leaving Tent After Missionary Reception.
Three gracious ladies from Ghana

Three gracious ladies from Ghana

Description: A picture of Three gracious ladies from Ghana.
Two of the Chairmen

Two of the Chairmen

Description: A picture of Two of the Chairmen.
Two Visitors in National Dress

Two Visitors in National Dress

Description: A picture of Two Visitors in National Dress.
Typical Scene Outside the Skiddaw Street Tent

Typical Scene Outside the Skiddaw Street Tent

Description: A picture of Typical Scene Outside the Skiddaw Street Tent.

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