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Oswald Chambers Quote 5

Oswald Chambers Quote 5

Description: “No healthy Christian ever chooses suffering; he chooses God's will, as Jesus did, whether it means suffering or not.” - Oswald Chambers #suffering #christian #chooses
Oswald Chambers Quote 6

Oswald Chambers Quote 6

Description: “There is no joy in the soul that has forgotten what God prizes.” - Oswald Chambers #joy #soul #prizes
Oswald J. Smith Quote

Oswald J. Smith Quote

Description: "No one has the right to hear the gospel twice, while there remains someone who has not heard it once." - Oswald J. Smith #missions #gospel #evangelism #goodnews
Oswald J. Smith Quote 2

Oswald J. Smith Quote 2

Description: “We talk of the Second Coming; half the world has never heard of the first. The mission of the church is missions.” - Oswald J. Smith ‪#‎missions‬ ‪#‎secondcoming‬ ‪#‎church‬
Oswald J. Smith Quote 3

Oswald J. Smith Quote 3

Description: “God can accomplish more through one message in the fulness of the Spirit than through hundreds given in the energy of the flesh.” - Oswald J. Smith #accomplish #spiritofgod #flesh
Oswald J. Smith Quote 4

Oswald J. Smith Quote 4

Description: “I have seen the vision and for self I cannot live; Life is less than worthless till my all I give.” - Oswald J. Smith #service #vision #self
Oswald J. Smith Quote 5

Oswald J. Smith Quote 5

Description: “Spent this afternoon in prayer on my face before God. Oh, for the power of God! We must have it.” - Oswald J. Smith #prayer #powerofgod #prostrate

Paris Redhead Quote

Paris Redhead Quote

Description: "They had the enormity of their sins and God had so penetrated their minds and hearts that they had fallen to the ground." - Paris Redhead #conviction #sin #johnwesley #revival
Patricia St. John Quote

Patricia St. John Quote

Description: “Stooping very low, He engraves with care His Name, indelible, upon our dust” - Patricia St. John #salvation #condensationofgod #loveofgod
Paul E. Billheimer Quote

Paul E. Billheimer Quote

Description: “Through the plan of prayer, God actually is inviting redeemed man into full partnership with Him; not in making the divine decisions, but in implementing those decisions in the affairs of humankind.” - Paul E. Billheimer #prayer #partnership #decisions

Paul Rader Quote

Paul Rader Quote

Description: “Bring us low in prayer before Thee, And with faith our souls inspire, Till we claim, by faith, the promise of the Holy Ghost and fire.” - Paul Rader #holyghost #fire #baptism
Paul Rader Quote 2

Paul Rader Quote 2

Description: “Pray that a Spirit-inspired movement of prayer reaching the throne of God will bring a mighty tidal wave of salvation blessing sweeping over our Army around the world.” - Paul Rader #prayer #movement #salvation
Paul Rader Quote 3

Paul Rader Quote 3

Description: “There's nothing in the Bible that tells the world to come to the Church; but, there's everything in the Bible that tells the Church to go to the world!” - Paul Rader #bible #unsaved #church
Paul Rader Quote 4

Paul Rader Quote 4

Description: “The Gospel is God’s great pioneer. It opens the path, it plows the furrows, it plants the seed. Then the hospitals, schools and civilizing, uplifting schemes come on behind.” - Paul Rader #gospel #hospitals #schools
Paul Rader Quote 5

Paul Rader Quote 5

Description: “Fear not, little flock, He goeth ahead, Your shepherd selecteth the path you must tread.” - Paul Rader #littleflock #shepherd #path

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Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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