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B.H. Clendennen Quote 2

B.H. Clendennen Quote 2

Description: “No matter how dark the present may look, the elect of God must know that the program of God is moving forward. God will have a church and it will be a glorious church.” - B.H. Clendennen #dark #elect #gloriouschurch
B.H. Clendennen Quote 3

B.H. Clendennen Quote 3

Description: “God looks for quality not quantity. He changed the world with a handful of people.” - B.H. Clendennen ‪#‎quality‬ ‪#‎quantity‬ ‪#‎people‬
Bakht Singh Quote

Bakht Singh Quote

Description: “The only thing God is building in this world is his church.” - Bakht Singh #God #Church
Bakht Singh Quote 2

Bakht Singh Quote 2

Description: “If we die without making peace with God through His precious blood which was shed for us on the cross surely we shall end up in hellfire.” - Bakht Singh #peace #preciousblood #hellfire
Bakht Singh Quote 3

Bakht Singh Quote 3

Description: “I have never yet failed to get a hearing (with a Hindu) if I talk to them about forgiveness of sins and peace and rest in your heart.” - Bakht Singh #hindu #peace #rest
Bakht Singh Quote 4

Bakht Singh Quote 4

Description: “My dear brother and sister, if you want to be blessed and be a blessing to the world, please believe God's Word against all odds. Never doubt the promises of God. Always be submissive to the plan of God in your life. Don't worry about the consequences.” - Bakht Singh ‪#‎blessed‬ ‪#‎blessing‬ ‪#‎believe‬
Bakht Singh Quote 5

Bakht Singh Quote 5

Description: “We must realize that no doctrine can save us or no denomination can save us. Our salvation is in a person, and that person is Jesus Christ.” - Bakht Singh ‪#‎doctrine‬ ‪#‎denomination‬ ‪#‎jesuschrist‬
Bakht Singh Quote 6

Bakht Singh Quote 6

Description: “If only we have the thirst and longing to hear, God is always willing to speak to us. In fact God is all the time speaking but unfortunately, we are unable to hear him. The reasons are many.” - Bakht Singh ‪#‎thirst‬ ‪#‎longing‬ ‪#‎voiceofgod‬
Bakht Singh Quote 7

Bakht Singh Quote 7

Description: “Christianity is not simply believing on the Lord Jesus but it is fellowshipping and walking with Him, talking to Him and listening to Him.” - Bakht Singh #christianity #lordjesus #fellowship

Bakht Singh Quote 8

Bakht Singh Quote 8

Description: “You feel sorry for us in India because of our great poverty in material things. We who know the Lord in India feel sorry for you in America because of your spiritual poverty. We are praying that you also might come to church with a hunger for God and not merely a hunger to see some form of amusement.” - Bakht Singh #poverty #india #america

Balthasar Hubmaier Quote

Balthasar Hubmaier Quote

Description: “Whoever says that God wills sin does not know what God or sin is. For sinning is always to do or to omit something against the will of God. (1 John 2:5-6).” - Balthasar Hubmaier #sin #godswill #sinning

Basil of Caesarea Quote

Basil of Caesarea Quote

Description: “When you look at the sky and the beauty of the stars, throw yourself at God’s feet and adore Him who in His wisdom has arranged things in this way.” - Basil of Caesarea #stars #creation #wisdom
Basil of Caesarea Quote 2

Basil of Caesarea Quote 2

Description: “Who, indeed, can still consider as an enemy him with whom he has uttered the same prayer to God?” - Basil of Caesarea #enemy #prayer #god
Basil of Caesarea Quote 3

Basil of Caesarea Quote 3

Description: “Human life is but of brief duration. ‘All flesh is grass’ Let us hold fast to the commandment that abides, and despise the unreality that passes away.” - Basil of Caesarea #human #life #unreality
Basilea Schlink Quote

Basilea Schlink Quote

Description: “Everything God does is love -even when we do not understand Him.” - Basilea Schlink #loveofgod #circumstances #willofgod #suffering

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