| Major Ian Thomas Quote 2Description: “The flesh everything that you do apart from Him ‘profiteth nothing’ (John 6:63).” - Major Ian Thomas #flesh #nothing #gospelofjohn
 | Major Ian Thomas Quote 3Description: “There are those who have a life they never live. They have come to Christ and thanked Him only for what He did, but do not live in the power of who He is.” - Major Ian Thomas #life #christ #power
 | Major Ian Thomas Quote 4Description: “So if you have eternal life, it means that you have Somebody, Jesus Christ, and the life that you possess is of Him.” - Major Ian Thomas #person #jesuschrist #eternallife
 | Major Ian Thomas Quote 5Description: “Make sure it is God's trumpet you are blowing, if it is only yours it won't wake the dead, it will simply disturb the neighbours.” - Major Ian Thomas #trumpet #blowing #disturb
 | Major Ian Thomas Quote 6Description: “Grace is not the freedom to sin, but the freedom not to sin. Grace is God’s heart extending itself towards us as he initiates in us the ability to overcome our weaknesses, failures, and inadequacies.” - Major Ian Thomas #grace #freedomfromsin #weaknesses
 | Manley Beasley QuoteDescription: "Prayer is communion and communion is not just talking to God but God talking to us." - Manley Beasley #prayer #communion #fellowship
 | Manley Beasley Quote 2Description: “A glimpse of God will save you. To gaze at Him will sanctify you.” - Manley Beasley #glimpse #god #sanctify
 | Maria Woodworth-Etter QuoteDescription: “I asked God to give me the power he gave the Galilean fishermen - to anoint me for service. I came like a child asking for bread. I looked for it... God did not disappoint me. ” - Maria Woodworth-Etter #power #anoint #service
 | Maria Woodworth-Etter Quote 2Description: “I was filled with zeal and power, and felt as if I could stand before the whole world and plead with dying sinners. It seemed to me that I must leave all and go at once.” - Maria Woodworth-Etter #zeal #power #dyingsinners
 | Marie Monsen QuoteDescription: “The Spirit of God was at work among us at this time of refreshing. It was said that every cupboard and corner in the little houses was used continually for prayer.” - Marie Monsen #spiritofgod #prayer #revival
 | Martha Wing Robinson QuoteDescription: "As the storm bursts over the world, do you know where He want you to hide? Just in Him.” - Martha Wing Robinson #comingstorm #endtimes #jesus
 | Martha Wing Robinson Quote 2Description: “Yea, if I plan- not of Thee, Set my own plan aside; Oh, help me to flee from self, and in Thy shelter hide.” - Martha Wing Robinson #plan #planofgod #shelter
 | Martha Wing Robinson Quote 3Description: “Endure unto the end. Night passes. Dawn is breaking. Be ready for thy Saviour’s call to thee; What matter then what trials have crossed thy pathway, Behold, He cometh! O my soul! ‘twill well reward thee to have one glance of welcome from His eye.” - Martha Wing Robinson #endure #christcometh #trials
 | Martin Luther QuoteDescription: “The believing man hath the Holy Ghost; and where the Holy Ghost dwelleth, He will not suffer a man to be idle, but stirreth him up to all exercises of piety and godliness.” - Martin Luther #holyspirit #piety #godliness
 | Martin Luther Quote 2Description: “We are saved by faith alone, but the faith that saves is never alone.” - Martin Luther #saved #faith #faithalone