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Keith Daniel Quote

Keith Daniel Quote

Description: "You cannot win the world by being like the world. The devil will win you the day you start to do that." - Keith Daniel #world #evangelism #emergentchurch
Keith Daniel Quote 2

Keith Daniel Quote 2

Description: “Art thou ready, Oh preacher, to take the consequences of letting the Lord speak through thee as He will?” - Keith Daniel #preacher #consequences #speak
Keith Daniel Quote 3

Keith Daniel Quote 3

Description: “Do you know how much God matters tp you? Is how much you just brazingly do what you know is evil, though you know He's watching.” - Keith Daniel #sin #evil #watching
Keith Daniel Quote 4

Keith Daniel Quote 4

Description: “It will cost you absolutely everything to go through with God, but it will cost you far more not to.” - Keith Daniel #cost #everything #surrender
Keith Daniel Quote 5

Keith Daniel Quote 5

Description: “The greatest single tragedy this world faces is compromising Christianity, beginning in your home. It will undermine the effect of the Gospel in the world.” - Keith Daniel #tragedy #compromising #christianity

Keith Daniel Quote 6

Keith Daniel Quote 6

Description: “Entertainment is sin in the pulpit of God and in the church; there’s no place for it. Be careful, be careful. If you’re not sure that you are so sanctified by God. Go to the theater if you want applause; why come to the pulpit?” - Keith Daniel #entertainment #church #pulpit

Keith Daniel Quote 7

Keith Daniel Quote 7

Description: “Don't come to God to prosper. You come to Christ for mercy and brokeness, no matter what God does thereafter. You just want eternal life and you want forgiveness. There is no conditions attached.” - Keith Daniel #prosper #prosperitygospel #brokeness

Keith Daniel Quote 8

Keith Daniel Quote 8

Description: “Don't wait for the politicians to become righteous - it's the church. But you are listening more to the TV news than you are on your knees.” - Keith Daniel #politicans #righteous #tvnews

Keith Green Quote

Keith Green Quote

Description: This generation of Christians is responsible for this generation of souls on earth.” - Keith Green #generation #christians #lostsouls
Keith Green Quote 2

Keith Green Quote 2

Description: "When the meeting's over and there's no one there to listen except the only One who matters, do you still have that same passionate joy in your spirit, just to be alone with the Living God?" - Keith Green #meeting #passion #joy
Keith Green Quote 3

Keith Green Quote 3

Description: “I'd rather have people hate me with the knowledge that I tried to save them.” - Keith Green ‪#‎hate‬ ‪#‎salvation‬ ‪#‎evangelism‬
Keith Green Quote 4

Keith Green Quote 4

Description: "Are you willing to stay right where you are and let the Lord do great things through you, though no one may seem to notice at all?" - Keith Green ‪#‎willing‬ ‪#‎greatthings‬ ‪#‎notice‬
Keith Green Quote 5

Keith Green Quote 5

Description: “In a day when believers seem to be trying to please both the world and the Lord, there is only one answer: Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Him!” - Keith Green ‪#‎world‬ ‪#‎lord‬ ‪#‎denyyourself‬
Ken Ham Quote

Ken Ham Quote

Description: “It's time for a new Reformation in the Church, to call the Church back to the authority of the Word of God, beginning in Genesis.” - Ken Ham #reformation #genesis #wordofgod
Ken Ham Quote 2

Ken Ham Quote 2

Description: “Only Christianity and its teachings can explain the purpose and meaning of this world and also gives the basis for right and wrong.” - Ken Ham #christianity #teachings #meaning

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