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Joseph Alleine Quote

Joseph Alleine Quote

Description: “I will watch over My flock by night (Isaiah 27:3). Behold, I have appointed My ministers as your watchmen, as overseers who watch for your souls (Hebrews 13:17; Acts 20:28)” - Joseph Alleine #flock #ministers #watchmen
Joseph Caryl Quote

Joseph Caryl Quote

Description: “Confession of sin shows us more clearly our need of mercy—and endears God's mercy more to us” - Joseph Caryl #mercy #confession #sin
Joseph Parker Quote

Joseph Parker Quote

Description: “Twenty-five years and I have not begun my exposition. Twenty-five years and I am still at Genesis, chapter 1, verse 1. I have preached from every text in the Bible, and I have not yet begun to preach at all." - Joseph Parker #preaching #expository #genesis
Joseph Tson Quote

Joseph Tson Quote

Description: “I find a Christ who says, 'Before following Me, stop and ponder. You have to enter a narrow gate, to walk a narrow path with very few on it. You will be hated because of Me. I am poor, poorer than a fox. You must know whom you follow. And you must know that it involves taking a cross daily.” - Joseph Tson #followingchrist #cross #discipleship
Joseph Tson Quote 2

Joseph Tson Quote 2

Description: “Christ’s sufferings are for propitiation; our sufferings are for propagation.” - Joseph Tson ‪#‎sufferings‬ ‪#‎propitiation‬ ‪#‎propagation‬
Joseph Tson Quote 3

Joseph Tson Quote 3

Description: “As long as I tried to save my life, I was losing it. Now that I was willing to lose it, I found it.” - Joseph Tson
Joseph Tson Quote 4

Joseph Tson Quote 4

Description: “[reply to communist guard] Your supreme weapon is killing, my supreme weapon is dying.” - Joseph Tson #weapon #martyr #martyrdom
Josh McDowell Quote

Josh McDowell Quote

Description: “Prayer is talking with God. God knows your heart and is not so concerned with your words as He is with the attitude of your heart.” - Josh McDowell #prayer #heart
Joshua Daniel Quote

Joshua Daniel Quote

Description: "Whatever we do for Jesus, it is really nothing. It is just paying a little part of our great debt to Jesus." - Joshua Daniel #debt #servingjesus
Julian of Norwich Quote

Julian of Norwich Quote

Description: “God, of thy goodness, give me Thyself; for Thou art enough for me, and I can ask for nothing less that can be full honor to Thee. And if I ask anything that is less, ever Shall I be in want, for only in Thee have I all.” - Julian of Norwich #god #thyself #seekinggod

Julian of Norwich Quote 2

Julian of Norwich Quote 2

Description: “Lord, let not our souls be busy inns that have no room for thee or thine, But quiet homes of prayer and praise, where thou mayest find fit company, Where the needful cares of life are wisely ordered and put away, And fervent longings watch and wait thy coming.” - Julian of Norwich #heart #souls #busy

Jurgen Moltmann Quote

Jurgen Moltmann Quote

Description: “Whatever can stand before the face of the crucified Christ is true Christian theology. What cannot stand there must disappear.” - Jurgen Moltmann #christian #theology #crucifiedchrist
Justin Martyr Quote

Justin Martyr Quote

Description: “Many spirits are abroad in the world and the church, and the credentials they display are splendid gifts of eloquence and ability. Christian, look carefully ask for the print of the nails.” - Justin Martyr #church #preachers #trueelect
Justin Martyr Quote 2

Justin Martyr Quote 2

Description: “Let it be understood that those who are not found living as He taught are not Christian- even though they profess with the lips the teaching of Christ.” - Justin Martyr #christian #profess #teaching
Justin Martyr Quote 3

Justin Martyr Quote 3

Description: “Jesus was made man for the sake of believing men, and for the destruction of the demons.” - Justin Martyr #jesus #incarnation #demons

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