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Art Katz Quote 5

Art Katz Quote 5

Description: “There’s a price to pay for integrity; for guarding your spirit and heart. If you’re not willing to pay it, you’ll be swept away with the age.” - Art Katz #integrity #age #guarding
Art Katz Quote 6

Art Katz Quote 6

Description: “We need a whole qualitative elevation of our faith, and a jealousy to not speak anything other than the word that is given by God.” - Art Katz #qualitative #faith #given
Art Katz Quote 7

Art Katz Quote 7

Description: “Any preaching that is not anointed is not preaching, but mere oratory.” - Art Katz #preaching #anointed #oratory
Art Katz Quote 8

Art Katz Quote 8

Description: “If eternity is only a category and not a passionate conviction, then we have no message for the world.” - Art Katz #eternity #passionate #conviction
Art Katz Quote 9

Art Katz Quote 9

Description: “There is no more deadly snare for God's people than to elevate human need or causes, ministry or calling above very God Himself.” - Art Katz #deadly #snare #elevate

Arthur Wallis Quote

Arthur Wallis Quote

Description: "The crowning blessing of a true visitation of the Holy Spirit is a mighty harvest for the kingdom of God." - Arthur Wallis #revival #visitation #harvest
Asa Mahan Quote

Asa Mahan Quote

Description: “The indwelling presence and power of the Spirit are to be sought and received by faith in God’s word of promise.” - Asa Mahan #indwelling #holyspirit #spiritbaptism
Asahel Nettleton Quote

Asahel Nettleton Quote

Description: “Every sinner is now on trial once for all. He is now invited by the bleeding Saviour, urged by all the horrors of hell, to enter heaven. But death closes the possibility for ever.” - Asahel Nettleton #sinner #hell #bleedingsaviour
Athenagoras Quote

Athenagoras Quote

Description: “We have learned, not only not to return blow for blow, nor to go to law with those who plunder and rob us, but to those who smite us on one side of the face to offer the other side also, and to those who take away our coat to give likewise our cloak.” - Athenagoras (133 – 190 AD) #plunder #rob #wayofchrist

Augustine Quote

Augustine Quote

Description: “It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels.” - Augustine #pride #angels
Augustine Quote 2

Augustine Quote 2

Description: “What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. That is what love looks like." - Augustine #love #poor #needy
Augustine Quote 3

Augustine Quote 3

Description: “God had one son on earth without sin, but never one without suffering.” - Augustine #suffering #pain #enduring
Augustine Quote 4

Augustine Quote 4

Description: “If you see that you have not yet suffered tribulations, consider it certain that you have not begun to be a true servant of God; for St. Paul says plainly that all who chose to live godly in Christ, shall suffer persecutions.” - Augustine #tribulations #suffered #trueservant
B.B. Warfield Quote

B.B. Warfield Quote

Description: "We have but one Saviour; and that one Saviour is Jesus Christ our Lord. Nothing that we are and nothing that we can do enters in the slightest measure into the ground of our acceptance with God. Jesus did it all." - B.B. Warfield #acceptance #justification #jesuschrist
B.H. Clendennen Quote

B.H. Clendennen Quote

Description: “The trademark of a corrupted church is the loss of her love for truth.” - B.H. Clendennen #corrupted #church #loveoftruth

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