| John Elias Quote 2Description: “There is but little thirst for the gracious and powerful visitations of God, and also, the prayers for these blessings are weak and cold. O seek His face – His face; seek Him with all your heart! There are many in the church, I believe, who have seen better days, but they sleep heavily now.” - John Elias #thrist #seekinggod #church
 | John Elias Quote 3Description: “[In the Church] There is a multitude of mixed people lusting after the things of Egypt. They delight in swimming in the stream of the spirit of the age in things political and religious.” - John Elias #mixedpeople #egypt #spiritofage
 | John Fletcher QuoteDescription: “Some preachers are too quick and too willing to hand out pardons to sinners who do not mourn over their crimes!” - John Fletcher #preachers #sinners #sin
 | John G. Lake QuoteDescription: “Every Christian is a miracle. Every answer to prayer is a miracle. God help us to realise that ours is a high and holy calling.” - John G. Lake #christian #miracle #calling
 | John G. Lake Quote 2Description: “The purpose of God is not only to cleanse a man, but being cleansed to empower him, infill him, indwell him.” - John G. Lake #cleanse #fill #empower
 | John G. Lake Quote 3Description: “Do not imprison Christ in you. Let Him live, let Him manifest Himself, let Him find vent through you.” - John G. Lake #christinyou #manifest #himself
 | John G. Lake Quote 4Description: "The life of the Christian without the indwelling power of the Spirit in the heart is a weariness to the flesh. It is an obedience to commandments and an endeavor to walk according to a pattern which you have not power to follow." - John G. Lake #christianlife #holyspirit #flesh
 | John G. Lake Quote 5Description: “Beloved, it is not our long prayers but our believing God that gets the answer.” - John G. Lake #believed #longprayers #believing
 | John G. Paton QuoteDescription: “This is strength; this is peace; to feel, in entering on every day, that all its duties and trials have been committed to the Lord Jesus Christ.” - John G. Paton #strength #peace #committed
 | John G. Paton Quote 2Description: “God gave His best, His Son, to me; and I give back my best, my all, to Him.” - John G. Paton #best #surrender #sacrifice
 | John Greenleaf Whittier QuoteDescription: “Who fathoms the Eternal Thought? Who talks of scheme and plan? The Lord is God! He needeth not the poor device of man.” - John Greenleaf Whittier #eternity #devicesofmen
 | John Huss QuoteDescription: “Oh Holy Spirit, enlighten their deceived hearts, so that the truth of the holy Gospel may open their eyes and its praise be spread everywhere, forever and ever, Amen.” - John Huss #martyrdom #rcc #truth
 | John Huss Quote 2Description: “Alas, drag my poor carcass to death. My trust is in the Almighty God and in my Lord Jesus Christ, who has redeemed me and has called me to preach His Gospel to the last breath of life. ” - John Huss #martyr #martyrdom #gospel
 | John Huss Quote 3Description: “Rejoice that the immortal God is born, so that mortal man may live in eternity.” - John Huss #rejoice #incarnation #immortal
 | John Huss Quote 4Description: “Seek the truth. Listen to the truth. Teach the truth. Love the truth. Abide by the truth. And defend the truth unto death.” - John Huss #truth #teach #defend