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Jesse Penn-Lewis Quote 2

Jesse Penn-Lewis Quote 2

Description: “Truth of every kind makes free, while lies bind up in bonds. Ignorance also binds up, because it gives ground to Satan.” - Jesse Penn-Lewis ‪#‎truth‬ ‪#‎lies‬ ‪#‎satan‬
Jesse Penn-Lewis Quote 3

Jesse Penn-Lewis Quote 3

Description: “Satan and his minions objected to Christ's presence on earth, for He moved about as the Victor, and they were shown to be the vanquished ones.” - Jesse Penn-Lewis ‪#‎satan‬ ‪#‎victor‬ ‪#‎vanquished‬
Jessie Penn Lewis Quote

Jessie Penn Lewis Quote

Description: “Those who have entered into the afflictions of Christ for His Church's sake know something of what they mean, for they have learned in a measure to pour out their souls unto death, in fellowship with Him.” - Jessie Penn Lewis #afflictions #christ #church
Jim Cymbala Quote

Jim Cymbala Quote

Description: "No matter what I preach or what we claim to know in our heads, the future will depend upon our times of prayer." - Jim Cymbala #prayer #future #prayermeeting
Jim Cymbala Quote 2

Jim Cymbala Quote 2

Description: “Jesus called fishermen, not graduates of rabbinical schools. The main requirement to serve the Lord was to be natural and sincere.” - Jim Cymbala #natural #sincere #serving
Jim Cymbala Quote 3

Jim Cymbala Quote 3

Description: “I have since learned that the most mature believer is the one who is bent over, leaning most heavily on the Lord, and admitting his total inability to do anything without Christ.” - Jim Cymbala #believer #inability #trusting
Jim Cymbala Quote 4

Jim Cymbala Quote 4

Description: “Oh, how we need to wake up to the fact that the Holy Spirit’s blessing and power is the key to everything.” - Jim Cymbala #holyspirit #key #blessing
Jim Cymbala Quote 5

Jim Cymbala Quote 5

Description: "God is attracted to weakness. He can’t resist those who humbly and honestly admit how desperately they need him. Our weakness, in fact, makes room for his power." - Jim Cymbala ‪#‎weakness‬ ‪#‎power‬ ‪#‎desperately‬
Jim Cymbala Quote 6

Jim Cymbala Quote 6

Description: "In too many churches today, people don’t see manifestations of God’s power in answer to fervent praying. Instead, they hear arguments about theological issues that few people care about." - Jim Cymbala ‪#‎fervent‬ ‪#‎praying‬ ‪#‎theological‬
Jim Cymbala Quote 7

Jim Cymbala Quote 7

Description: "The Scriptures are not so much the goal as they are an arrow that points us to the life-changing Christ." - Jim Cymbala ‪#‎scriptures‬ ‪#‎arrow‬ ‪#‎christ‬
Jim Elliot Quote

Jim Elliot Quote

Description: “God always gives his best to those who leave the choice with Him.” - Jim Elliot #God #choice #provision
Joe Root Quote

Joe Root Quote

Description: “The true essence of self denial is giving up the will to the Lord. A relinquishing of the will.” - Joe Root #selfdenial #will #reqlinquish

Johannes Ettwein Quote

Johannes Ettwein Quote

Description: “I pray to Him in the dust for everything that He did for me and to me. His mercy will preserve me until I see Him.I am devoted to him like a child; He does with me as it pleases Him!” - Johannes Ettwein #dust #mercy #preserve
John Amos Comenius Quote

John Amos Comenius Quote

Description: “Preserve there [bohemia] a hidden seed to glorify thy name.” - John Amos Comenius #bohemia #hiddenseed #remnant
John Angell James Quote

John Angell James Quote

Description: “They who would grow in grace, must love the habitation of God's house. It is those that are planted in the courts of the Lord who shall flourish, and not those that are occasionally there.” - John Angell James #seekinggod #prayer #grace

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Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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