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Andrew Gih Quote

Andrew Gih Quote

Description: “Too many are praying today without repairing the altar by confession of sin, without digging a trench of separation from the world and without a surrender that is even unto death. No wonder such prayer is fruitless.” - Andrew Gih ‪#‎praying‬ ‪#‎altar‬ ‪#‎confession‬
Andrew Murray Quote

Andrew Murray Quote

Description: "Pride must die in you, or nothing of heaven can live in you." - Andrew Murray #pride #heaven
Andrew Murray Quote 2

Andrew Murray Quote 2

Description: “When we pray for the Spirit’s help we will simply fall down at the Lord’s feet in our weakness. There we will find the victory and power that comes from His love.” - Andrew Murray #weakness #victory #power
Andrew Murray Quote 3

Andrew Murray Quote 3

Description: “Humility is perfect quietness of heart. It is to expect nothing, to wonder at nothing that is done to me, to feel nothing done against me. It is to be at rest when nobody praises me, and when I am blamed or despised.” - Andrew Murray #blamed #despised #praises
Andrew Murray Quote 4

Andrew Murray Quote 4

Description: “Here is the path to the higher life: down, lower down! The moment God finds men abased and empty, His glory and power flow in to exalt and to bless.” - Andrew Murray #empty #lower #abased
Andrew Murray Quote 5

Andrew Murray Quote 5

Description: “Our forgiving love toward men is the evidence of God's forgiving love in us.” - Andrew Murray #forgiving #men #evidence
Anthony Norris Groves Quote

Anthony Norris Groves Quote

Description: “My full persuasion is that, inasmuch as any one glories either in being of the Church of England, Baptist, Independent, Wesleyan, etc., his glory is his shame. For as the apostle said, were any of them crucified for you? The only legitimate ground for glorying is that we are among the ransomed of the Lord by his grace.” - Anthony Norris Groves #denominations #shame #ransomed
Anthony Norris Groves Quote 2

Anthony Norris Groves Quote 2

Description: "The two great objects of the church in the latter days seem to me to be the publication of the testimony of Jesus in all lands, and the calling out of the sheep of Christ who may be imprisoned in all the Babylonian systems that are in the world." - Anthony Norris Groves #latterdays #objects #church
Archibald Alexander Quote

Archibald Alexander Quote

Description: “Oh, then, I see there is a progression in wickedness even in hell. This is the most appalling prospect of all—an endless progression in sin, and consequently an increase, instead of a diminution of misery, through the endless ages of eternity!” - Archibald Alexander #sin #hell #eternity
Aristides of Athens Quote

Aristides of Athens Quote

Description: “And verily whatever is spoken in the mouth of the Christians is of God; and their doctrine is the gateway of light. Wherefore let all who are without the knowledge of God draw near thereto; and they will receive incorruptible words, which are from all time and from eternity.” - Aristides of Athens #light #incorruptible #words

Art Katz Quote

Art Katz Quote

Description: "The eternal weight of glory, which is to say, the eternal reward, is ours in the measure of our willingness to enter into the sufferings of Christ." - Art Katz #eternalweight #eternal #rewards
Art Katz Quote 10

Art Katz Quote 10

Description: “The Church is the pillar of Truth! not a piece of flim-flam that reflects the low standard of the world, only employing another vocabulary. Where's your jealousy for the Church!?” - Art Katz #church #pillar #truth

Art Katz Quote 11

Art Katz Quote 11

Description: “When I see a phenomenon touted as revival, where the Word of God is conspicuously absent and denigrated as not being the source of God's greatest blessing, but experience has replaced it, my alarm goes off instantly - and yours ought to as well.” - Art Katz #phenomenon #revival #wordofgod

Art Katz Quote 2

Art Katz Quote 2

Description: “Every seemingly small compromise serves to remove us that much further from the Spirit of Truth until the holy dove departs, and we go on, not even realizing that He has left.” - Art Katz #spiritoftruth #holyspirit #compromise
Art Katz Quote 4

Art Katz Quote 4

Description: “The anointing is my life. If I am not in the anointing of God, woe unto me, and those who are hearing me.” -Art Katz #anointing #life #woe

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