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Ian Paisley Quote 5

Ian Paisley Quote 5

Description: “Consider Him. If our gaze is in the wrong place, our feet will be in the wrong place.” - Ian Paisley #consider #jesus #gaze
Ignatius Brianchaninov Quote

Ignatius Brianchaninov Quote

Description: “Speak well of those who speak evil of you. Pay good for evil. Pray for those who cause you various offenses, wrongs, temptations, persecutions. Whatever you do, on no account condemn anyone.” - Ignatius Brianchaninov #speak #good #pray

Ira Sankey Quote

Ira Sankey Quote

Description: “The King! the King! the call comes ringing; O Church of Christ! O Zion free! Look up and join the heavenly singing; Thy King is coming soon for thee.” - Ira Sankey #king #churchofchrist #zion
Isaac Watts Quote

Isaac Watts Quote

Description: “Preserve your conscience always soft and sensitive. If but one sin force its way into that tender part of the soul and dwell there, the road is paved for a thousand iniquities.” - Isaac Watts #conscience #sin #iniquity
Isaac Watts Quote 2

Isaac Watts Quote 2

Description: “Alas! and did my Savior bleed. And did my Sovereign die? Would He devote that sacred head. For sinners such as I?” - Isaac Watts #saviour #sovereign #sinners
Israel Wayne Quote

Israel Wayne Quote

Description: “Any leader or organization teaching that God will bless (or heal) you (or curse your enemies), if you send a specific amount to their particular ministry, is teaching a false gospel and you need to avoid them!” - Israel Wayne #prosperity #giving #tithing
Israel Wayne Quote 2

Israel Wayne Quote 2

Description: “We must learn to worship God, not in the way we want to worship Him, but in the way that He wants to be worshipped.” - Israel Wayne #God #worship #learn

Israel Wayne Quote 3

Israel Wayne Quote 3

Description: “The greatest threats to the Church today are the loss of the Authority of Scripture and a false gospel that tolerates and excuses fleshly behaviour.” - Israel Wayne #threats #church #falsegospel

Israel Wayne Quote 4

Israel Wayne Quote 4

Description: “Gratefulness turns our attention from us, and our rights or irritations, to the call of God on our lives to raise our children.” - Israel Wayne #gratefulness #attention #irritations

Israel Wayne Quote 5

Israel Wayne Quote 5

Description: “Patience is an active choice to walk, not in a demanding, controlling, and angry manner toward those around us but, instead, with enduring love and encouragement.” - Israel Wayne #patience #controlling #angry

Issac Ambrose Quote

Issac Ambrose Quote

Description: “O Christian, never be proud of things that are so transient, injurious, and uncertain as the riches of this evil world!” - Issac Ambrose #proud #riches #passingworld
J. Edwin Orr Quote

J. Edwin Orr Quote

Description: "No great spiritual awakening has begun anywhere in the world apart from united prayer." - J. Edwin Orr #prayer #spiritualawakening #revival
J. Edwin Orr Quote 2

J. Edwin Orr Quote 2

Description: “The important thing to remember is repentance is the prelude to revival. The Church must first Repent.” - J. Edwin Orr #revival #repentance #church
J. Edwin Orr Quote 3

J. Edwin Orr Quote 3

Description: “God who delivers us from the guilt of sin through faith in Jesus Christ, is able to deliver the believer from the power of sin as well.” - J. Edwin Orr #deliverance #sin #overcomingsin
J. Edwin Orr Quote 4

J. Edwin Orr Quote 4

Description: “Do you feel like you have broken your fellowship with God, right now? You know all that is required. Repent and confess.” - J. Edwin Orr #broken #fellowship #god

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