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Hank Hanegraaff Quote 5

Hank Hanegraaff Quote 5

Description: “Mystery is our mind’s food. If we truly said, ‘I have seen everything,’ we would conclude, as did the author of Ecclesiastes, ‘all is vanity.’” - Hank Hanegraaff #mystery #worship #ecclesiastes

Hank Hanegraaff Quote 6

Hank Hanegraaff Quote 6

Description: “We can rest assured that our temporary earthly passions are but a pale shadow of the pleasure we will experience in heaven when symbol is supplanted by substance.” - Hank Hanegraaff #temporary #shadow #substance

Hannah Whitall Smith Quote

Hannah Whitall Smith Quote

Description: “Look upon your chastening as God's chariots sent to carry your soul into the high places of spiritual achievement.” - Hannah Whitall Smith #chastening #spiritual
Hannah Whitall Smith Quote 2

Hannah Whitall Smith Quote 2

Description: "The soul that gives thanks can find comfort in everything; the soul that complains can find comfort in nothing." - Hannah Whitall Smith ‪#‎thanks‬ ‪#‎complains‬ ‪#‎comfort‬
Hannah Whitall Smith Quote 3

Hannah Whitall Smith Quote 3

Description: "Christ came into the world to save sinners, not good people, and your unworthiness is your greatest claim for His salvation." - Hannah Whitall Smith ‪#‎christ‬ ‪#‎sinners‬ ‪#‎unworthiness‬
Hannah Whitall Smith Quote 4

Hannah Whitall Smith Quote 4

Description: "If our hearts are full of our own wretched 'I ams' we will have no ears to hear His glorious, soul-satisfying 'I am'." - Hannah Whitall Smith ‪#‎iam‬ ‪#‎wretched‬ ‪#‎glorious‬
Hans Denck Quote

Hans Denck Quote

Description: “The medium is Christ whom no one can know unless they follow him and no one can follow him unless they know him.” - Hans Denck 1526 #christ #follow #knowhim

Hans Peter Royer Quote

Hans Peter Royer Quote

Description: “God loves to be with us, he longs to be with us but according to his ways. Not according to ours because there is only one way. You need to come to God on his terms not on yours. And his terms is his own Son.” - Hans Peter Royer #hisways #god #terms

Hans Peter Royer Quote 2

Hans Peter Royer Quote 2

Description: “He is the Master and we are the servants. So we need to look at Christ and follow him rather than telling Christ what is on my agenda asking him to follow me.” - Hans Peter Royer #master #agenda #followme

Hans Peter Royer Quote 3

Hans Peter Royer Quote 3

Description: “To remain dependent on him each and every day of our lives. To say Lord ‘I can't do it. I dig a few holes and I'm looking forward to how you will fill them.’” - Hans Peter Royer #dependent #everyday #icant

Hans Peter Royer Quote 4

Hans Peter Royer Quote 4

Description: “When I submit, I simply say God you are Lord. All I want to do is submit to this Lordship. I in you and and live out of your resources.” - Hans Peter Royer #submit #resources #lordship

Hans Peter Royer Quote 5

Hans Peter Royer Quote 5

Description: “You forgive because Christ first forgave you. You can only be angry so long as you are still grieved.” - Hans Peter Royer #forgive #christ #angry

Hans R. Waldvogel Quote

Hans R. Waldvogel Quote

Description: "It’s the Holy Spirit—it’s God Himself that dwells in your body." - Hans R. Waldvogel #holyspirit #God #indwelling
Hans R. Waldvogel Quote 2

Hans R. Waldvogel Quote 2

Description: "Nothing is important but Jesus and abiding in Him." - Hans R. Waldvogel #jesus #important #abiding
Hans Symons Quote

Hans Symons Quote

Description: “Dear brothers and sisters, awake, and make straight paths for your feet, that you may always be prepared for the Gospel of peace, which calls us only to peace, for beautiful are the feet of them that fear the Lord.” - Hans Symons, 1567 #peace #peacemakers #fearofthelord

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