| Frederick William Faber QuoteDescription: “O Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord! Forgive me if I say, For very love, Thy sacred name A thousand times a day. I love Thee so I know not how My transports to control; Thy love is like a burning fire, Within my very soul.” - Frederick William Faber #jesus #dearestlord #sacredname
 | G Campbell Morgan QuoteDescription: “The reason why men do not look to the Church today is that she has destroyed her own influence by compromise.” - G Campbell Morgan #church #compromise
 | G. Campbell Morgan Quote 2Description: “How would you like to live with somebody who was everlastingly grieving your heart by his conduct?” - G. Campbell Morgan #grieving #holyspirit #conduct
 | G. Campbell Morgan Quote 3Description: “Waiting for God means power to do nothing save under command.” - G. Campbell Morgan #waiting #power #command
 | G. Campbell Morgan Quote 4Description: “The man who does as he likes is the greatest slave. The man who never does as he likes is God's free man.” - G. Campbell Morgan #freeman #slave #greatest
 | G. Campbell Morgan Quote 5Description: “To the individual believer indwelt by the Holy Spirit there is granted the direct impression of the Spirit of God on the spirit of man, imparting the knowledge of His will in matters of the smallest and greatest importance. This has to be sought and waited for.” - G. Campbell Morgan #believer #indwelt #holyspirit
 | G. Campbell Morgan Quote 6Description: “We also need a regular systematic study of the Scriptures. We cannot maintain our spiritual life without it any more than we can maintain our physical bodies without proper nourishment.” - G. Campbell Morgan #scriptures #study #spirituallife
 | G.H. Lang QuoteDescription: “The invisible church, composed of all Spirit baptized persons, is indefectible, it cannot be ruined; against it the gates of Hades shall not prevail.” - G.H. Lang #church #invisiblechurch #spiritbaptized
 | G.H. Lang Quote 2Description: “Dull, lifeless routine in Divine worship is indeed unscriptural: the Spirit of life will infuse heavenly life and vigour into gatherings where He has true liberty, bringing fervour of spirit and spontaneity of utterance.” - G.H. Lang #divineworship #dull #lifeless
 | G.W. North QuoteDescription: “Whatever it is that God has intended and provided for us is comprehended and included in the once shedding of the blood of Jesus.” - G.W. North #god #bloodofjesus #intended
 | G.W. North Quote 2Description: “In truth there is no such person at all as an uncrucified Christian; to be a Christian, a person must have been personally crucified.” - G.W. North #christian #personally #crucified
 | Gayle Erwin QuoteDescription: “Gentleness is not apathy but is an aggressive expression of how we view people. We see people as so valuable that we deal with them in gentleness, fearing the slightest damage to one for whom Christ died.” - Gayle Erwin #gentleness #apathy #valuable
 | Gayle Erwin Quote 2Description: “Forgiveness so anchors the nature of God that if we expect to walk with him, we must, at minimum, practice the trait that is at the core.” - Gayle Erwin #forgiveness #nature #practice
 | Gayle Erwin Quote 3Description: “No one who forgives can ever be a victim The man who forgives frees himself completely from the bondage of anyone's past action toward him.” - Gayle Erwin #forgives #victim #bondage
 | Gayle Erwin Quote 4Description: “Nothing, I repeat nothing, profits from unforgiveness. Yet we hang on to our grievances as if forgiving were an indication of weakness.” - Gayle Erwin #unforgiveness #grievances #forgiving