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Fenelon Quote

Fenelon Quote

Description: “Such is our dependence upon God that we are obliged not only to do everything for His sake, but also to seek from Him the very power.” - Fenelon #dependence #powerofgod
Fenelon Quote 2

Fenelon Quote 2

Description: “The more you selfishly love yourself, the more critical you will be. Self-love cannot forgive the self- love it discovers in others. Nothing is so offensive to a haughty, conceited heart as the sight of another one.” - Fenelon #selflove #selfishly #critical
Fenelon Quote 3

Fenelon Quote 3

Description: “Nothing will make us so charitable and tender to the faults of others as by self-examination thoroughly to know our own.” - Fenelon #charitable #faults #selfexamination
Fenelon Quote 4

Fenelon Quote 4

Description: “In the light of eternity we shall see that what we desired would have been fatal to us, and that what we would have avoided was essential to our well-being.” - Fenelon #eternity #desired #wellbeing
Fenelon Quote 5

Fenelon Quote 5

Description: “Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.” - Fenelon #calm #innerpeace #hurry

Fenelon Quote 6

Fenelon Quote 6

Description: “So long as we are full of self we are shocked at the faults of others. Let us think often of our own sin, and we shall be lenient to the sins of others.” - Fenelon #self #faults #sins

Festo Kivengere Quote

Festo Kivengere Quote

Description: “The cross cancels out the self, but replaces that self by Jesus Christ. Your dry experience becomes fullness. What was empty is no longer empty. What was helplessness experiences power.” - Festo Kivengere #cross #self #fullness

Festo Kivengere Quote 2

Festo Kivengere Quote 2

Description: “Revival isn’t a spectacular event in the clouds. It’s in your own life. Revival doesn’t require big meetings with famous speakers. Revival begins with you.” - Festo Kivengere #revival #you #personalrevival

Festo Kivengere Quote 3

Festo Kivengere Quote 3

Description: “Every time you ask forgiveness it takes a little dying, and so also does submitting one to another in the fear of God. But both are liberating.” - Festo Kivengere #forgiveness #dying #submitting

Festo Kivengere Quote 4

Festo Kivengere Quote 4

Description: “On the cross Jesus met the full force of the Enemy intent on destroying Him, and He overcame him publicly. This fact is well known in the spiritual realm. Calvary was a victory of love. Jesus shed no blood but His own. He overcame evil with good.” - Festo Kivengere #cross #love #overcameevil
Frances R. Havergal Quote 2

Frances R. Havergal Quote 2

Description: “Live out Thy life within me, O Jesus, King of kings! Be Thou Thyself the answer to all my questionings.” - Frances R. Havergal #jesus #kingofkings #questionings
Frances R. Havergal Quote 3

Frances R. Havergal Quote 3

Description: “Do what Thou wilt! Yes, only do What seemeth good to Thee; Thou art so loving, wise, and true, It must be best for me.” - Frances R. Havergal #willofgod #trust #loving
Frances R. Havergal Quote 4

Frances R. Havergal Quote 4

Description: “I am so happy. ‘All for Jesus,’ is my daily, almost hourly life. And Jesus is so precious! I cannot describe the sweetness of His presence and fellowship.” - Frances R. Havergal #jesus #presence #fellowship

Frances Ridley Havergal Quote

Frances Ridley Havergal Quote

Description: “Teach us, Master, how to give. All we have and are to Thee; Grant us, Saviour, while we live, Wholly, only Thine to be.” - Frances Ridley Havergal #consecration #devotion #surrender
Francis Asbury Quote

Francis Asbury Quote

Description: “O what pride, conforming to the world and following its fashions! Warn them, warn them for me, while you have strength and time and be faithful to your duty.” - Francis Asbury #world #fashions #warning

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