| Evan Roberts Quote 6Description: “Prayer is the secret of power.” - Evan Roberts #prayer #secret #power
| Evan Roberts Quote 7Description: “You must ask the Spirit to bend you afresh. Oh Lord, bend me.” - Evan Roberts #bendme #revival #spiritofgod
| Evan Roberts Quote 8Description: “Put away any doubtful habit; Obey the Holy Spirit promptly; and Confess Christ openly.” - Evan Roberts #habit #promptly #welshrevival
| Evan Roberts Quote 9Description: “The feeling of need and not the force of habit will make thee a sincere suppliant.” - Evan Roberts #feeling #need #supplication
| F. W. Krummacher QuoteDescription: “See His holy arms forcibly stretched out upon the cross—His feet laid upon each other. Executioners seize the hammer and nails. But who can bear to look upon what further occurs?” - F. W. Krummacher #holyarms #cross #jesus
| F.B. Meyer QuoteDescription: "Consecration is only possible when we give up our will about everything." - F.B. Meyer #consecration #surrender
| F.B. Meyer Quote 2Description: "God has set Eternity in our heart, and man's infinite capacity cannot be filled or satisfied with the things of time and sense." - F.B. Meyer #eternity #capacity #satisfied
| F.B. Meyer Quote 3Description: “We never test the resources of God until we attempt the impossible.” - F.B. Meyer #god #resources #impossible
| F.B. Meyer Quote 4Description: "We cannot expect to have the Holy Spirit’s fullness in our lives if we are quite content to live without it." - F.B. Meyer #holyspirit #expect #content
| F.B. Meyer Quote 5Description: "We must keep true in our allegiance to the least request of the Holy Spirit, though it cost us tears of blood. There is nothing trivial in this life." - F.B. Meyer #allegiance #request #holyspirit
| F.B. Meyer Quote 6Description: "There is no better way of communing with God than to walk to and fro in your room or in the open air with your Bible in hand, meditating on it and turning its precepts and promises into prayer." - F.B. Meyer #communion #prayer #promises
| F.F. Bruce QuoteDescription: "The soul's deepest thirst is for God Himself, who has made us so that we can never be satisfied without Him." - F.F. Bruce #soul #god #seekinggod
| F.J. Huegel QuoteDescription: “I must be born anew. That is why Christ took me with Himself down into the grave and brought me forth a new creation.” - F.J. Huegel #bornagain #newbirth
| Felix Mantz QuoteDescription: “He endues us with the power of his Spirit, and whoever receives and uses it grows and is made perfect in God. Only love to God through Christ shall stand and prevail, not boasting, denouncing, or threatening.” - Felix Mantz (1498-1527) #holyspirit #growth #perfectingod
| Felix Mantz Quote 2Description: “Alas how many are found, who boast of the Gospel and speak, teach, and preach much about it, but are full of hatred and envy. They do not have the love of God in them, and their deceit is known to all the world. They hate the pious on the earth and obstruct the way to life and to the true sheepfold.” - Felix Mantz (1498-1527) #hatred #envy #falseshepherds