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Eric Ludy Quote

Eric Ludy Quote

Description: “Everything that originates from God will endure the test of time.” - Eric Ludy #God #endure #eternal
Erlo Stegen Quote

Erlo Stegen Quote

Description: “The apostles were given strength, ability and power: We get these from Christ! If you carry your cross daily and deny yourself - people will be blessed by you!” - Erlo Stegen #apostles #power #crossdaily
Erlo Stegen Quote 2

Erlo Stegen Quote 2

Description: “Satan has no strength, he is defeated. The only power he has is the power you allow him in your life through unconfessed sin.” - Erlo Stegen #satan #unconfessed #sin
Erlo Stegen Quote 3

Erlo Stegen Quote 3

Description: “Statistics tell us that at least 12% of all websites are pornographic and at least 50% of people with cellphones use it to also access pornography. You cannot enter heaven with such defiling things.” - Erlo Stegen #pornography #sin #heaven
Erlo Stegen Quote 4

Erlo Stegen Quote 4

Description: “Dear Christian, let us learn from this. You will miss out if you don’t rest your faith on what God has said in His word.” - Erlo Stegen #christian #wordofgod #scriptures
Erlo Stegen Quote 5

Erlo Stegen Quote 5

Description: “When God’s Spirit come upon people they are filled with heavenly things. They forget about the things of the earth.” - Erlo Stegen #spiritofgod #heavenly #earth
Erlo Stegen Quote 6

Erlo Stegen Quote 6

Description: “When God’s Spirit speaks to you, obey. It’s better to cut off your hand if it offends you and enter heaven than to enter hell with both hands (Mark 9:43).” - Erlo Stegen #obey #offends #hell
Erlo Stegen Quote 7

Erlo Stegen Quote 7

Description: “You might ask God to abide with you yet you continue in sin! That won’t work. You have to get rid of the golden calves in your life.”
- Erlo Stegen #sin #abide #goldencalves
Ernest C. Reisinger Quote

Ernest C. Reisinger Quote

Description: “The carnal Christian teaching is, after all, the consequence of a shallow, man-centered evangelism in which decisions are sought at any price and with any methods.” - Ernest C. Reisinger #carnal #christian #evangelism
Erwin Lutzer Quote

Erwin Lutzer Quote

Description: “Many evangelicals do not realize that the church has always been an island of righteousness in a sea of paganism, but as a result they turned the world upside-down.” - Erwin Lutzer #evangelicals #paganism #righteousness
Evan Roberts Quote

Evan Roberts Quote

Description: "It will not do for us to go to Heaven by ourselves. We must be on fire, friends for saving others." - Evan Roberts #lostsouls #heaven #onfire
Evan Roberts Quote 2

Evan Roberts Quote 2

Description: “Prayer is buried, and lost and Heaven weeps. If all prayed the wicked would flee from our midst or to the refuge.” - Evan Roberts #prayer #prayermeetings #refuge
Evan Roberts Quote 3

Evan Roberts Quote 3

Description: “Without a readiness to work, the Spirit of prayer will not come.” - Evan Roberts #readiness #work #spiritofprayer
Evan Roberts Quote 4

Evan Roberts Quote 4

Description: “I felt ablaze with a desire to go through the length and breadth of Wales to tell of the Savior.” - Evan Roberts #ablaze #desire #evangelism
Evan Roberts Quote 5

Evan Roberts Quote 5

Description: “Is there anything doubtful in your life? Do away with it. Otherwise, there cannot be any joy in your heart. Self-denial is one of the first essentials of the religion of Christ.” - Evan Roberts #selfdenial #essentials #religion

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