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SermonIndex - Promoting Revival to this Generation
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Ebenezer Erskine Quote

Ebenezer Erskine Quote

Description: “The triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment. Whereas the groanings of the righteous are but short, and their jubilee and triumph shall be everlasting.” - Ebenezer Erskine #groanings #wicked #righteous
Edgar Reich Quote

Edgar Reich Quote

Description: “Victory is only through Jesus. It must be Jesus the Victor doing the work, and my humbly surrendering to Him, asking Him to keep me from falling.” - Edgar Reich #victory #jesuschrist #victor
Edgar Reich Quote 2

Edgar Reich Quote 2

Description: “Churches permitting open sin into their fellowships have become pseudo arks preserving their people for hell. The shepherds living in open sin have turned from being shepherds for God to shepherds for hell.” - Edgar Reich #churches #hell #shepherds

Edgar Reich Quote 3

Edgar Reich Quote 3

Description: “Revival is the return to God and turning from sin. It is the restoration of the church to a vital and fervent relationship with God. It is spiritual renewal, renewed faith and restoration to usefulness, after a period of decline.” - Edgar Reich #revival #repentance #turningfromsin

Edward Irving Quote

Edward Irving Quote

Description: “Procrastination is the kidnapper of souls, and the recruiting-officer of Hell.” - Edward Irving #procrastination #souls #hell
Edward Payson Quote

Edward Payson Quote

Description: “Never mind your infirmities. You have nothing to do with them. Your business is to trust, and to go forward. If you wait till the sea becomes land, you will never walk on it.” - Edward Payson #infirmities #trust #prayer
Edwin Paxton Hood Quote

Edwin Paxton Hood Quote

Description: “Walk thou with Him, that way is light, All other pathways end in night. Walk thou with Him, that way is rest, All other pathways are unblest.” - Edwin Paxton Hood ‪#‎light‬ ‪#‎walk‬ ‪#‎pathways‬
Elisabeth Elliot Quote

Elisabeth Elliot Quote

Description: “Of one thing I am perfectly sure: God's story never ends in ashes.” - Elisabeth Elliot ‪#‎god‬ ‪#‎story‬ ‪#‎ashes‬
Elisabeth Elliot Quote 2

Elisabeth Elliot Quote 2

Description: “I have one desire now - to live a life of reckless abandon for the Lord, putting all my energy and strength into it.” - Elisabeth Elliot #desire #reckless #abandon
Elisabeth Elliot Quote 3

Elisabeth Elliot Quote 3

Description: “God never witholds from His child that which His love and wisdom call good. God's refusals are always merciful.” - Elisabeth Elliot #withhold #child #merciful
Elisabeth Elliot Quote 4

Elisabeth Elliot Quote 4

Description: “There is nothing worth living for, unless it is worth dying for.” - Elisabeth Elliot #living #dying #worth
Elisabeth Elliot Quote 5

Elisabeth Elliot Quote 5

Description: “Many deaths must go into reaching our maturity in Christ, many letting goes.” - Elisabeth Elliot #maturity #christ #deaths
Emerson Andrews Quote

Emerson Andrews Quote

Description: “How can I or any one hear the Judge say, Well done, good find faithfull servant, if we obey men, and follow their traditions, rather than God? Blessed be God that I was made willing in the day of his power.” - Emerson Andrews #faithful #servant #feargod
Erasmus Quote

Erasmus Quote

Description: “Great eagerness in the pursuit of wealth, pleasure, or honor, cannot exist without sin.” - Erasmus #wealth #honor #sin
Eric Foley Quote

Eric Foley Quote

Description: “It is not the incorrect that the Lord despises but the proud; it is not the hot or the cold that the Lord spews out of his mouth but the lukewarm. When we are standing still out of fear of being wrong, we will certainly be regarded by him as ‘wicked and slothful’ not cautiously prudent.” - Eric Foley #incorrect #despise #proud

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