| Don Courville QuoteDescription: “Are you willing to pay the price to have revival? Are you willing to pay the price not to have revival? Guess which one costs more.” - Don Courville #revival #price #cost
| Don Courville Quote 2Description: “In spiritual pride you can not hear correction.” - Don Courville #pride #spiritual #correction
| Don Courville Quote 3Description: “If you don’t make it back to God you don’t have revival. True revival brings you back to God.” - Don Courville #god #revival #back
| Don Courville Quote 4Description: “Don’t murmur we can be disputing with the leading of God. When we are in the will of God, and we are mumbling about it, that is sin.” - Don Courville #murmuring #disputing #willofgod
| Don Currin QuoteDescription: “Sadly, much of the contemporary music that is presented today does not promote the loftiness of the Creator. Rather it humanizes God and magnifies self.” - Don Currin #humanism #ccm #music
| Don Currin Quote 2Description: “With the growing carnality in the church, whether it wears the face of ‘Christian liberty’ or hypocritical self – righteousness, more ‘professing’ believers are revealing their true nature of self – love and self – indulgence. Including affirming with pleasure sodomite relationships.” - Don Currin #carnality #liberty #indulgence
| Don Currin Quote 3Description: “When a professing Christian has no power to overcome the world, he fatally assumes that God gives him liberty to continually indulge his flesh in worldly passions. It is because the grace (Titus 2:11-12) that he embraces has never brought salvation.” - Don Currin #professing #christian #grace
| Don McClure QuoteDescription: “Man was made to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Being filled with the Spirit is critical to all other relationships.” - Don McClure #filled #holyspirit #relationships
| Don McClure Quote 2Description: “When persecution comes, Jesus says do not even worry what you are to say. You be filled with the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of God will give you the very words in the hour you need them.” - Don McClure #persection #holyspirit #words
| Don McClure Quote 3Description: “He has ruined us for this life, we have seen what He has created us to be. He has promised He will come and live in us. That is why a Christian rejoices in suffering.” - Don McClure #ruined #created #suffering
| Donald G. Barnhouse QuoteDescription: “The Church was not left in this world to perfume the dung-heap of fallen humanity, but to take out, one by one, those who will be saved from the coming destruction.” - Donald G. Barnhouse #church #losthumanity
| Donald Gee QuoteDescription: "If we have today such ministry in our churches that men and women cannot be moved, there is something wrong with our preaching." - Donald Gee #preaching #ministry #churches
| Dorotheos of Gaza QuoteDescription: “Before anything else we need humility. By humility of wisdom, all the weapons of the enemy and adversary are broken.” - Dorotheos of Gaza (AD 565) #humility #desertfathers #wisdom
| Dr. A.E. Wilder-SmithDescription: “The Bible teaches us that we are the living lessons that God uses to demonstrate His divine wisdom to the angelic beings as He works in us.” - Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith #wisdom #god #angels
| Duncan Campbell QuoteDescription: "Can we be casual in the work of God? Casual when the house is on fire, and people in danger of being burned?" - Duncan Campbell #fire #hell #damnation