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David Guzik Quote 2

David Guzik Quote 2

Description: “In Jeremiah the prophet searched Jerusalem in vain for a righteous man to avert judgment. Jesus later came as that One Righteous Man.” - David Guzik #jeremiah #righteousman #jesus
David Guzik Quote 3

David Guzik Quote 3

Description: “There was darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour (Luke 23:44). Even creation could not bear to see the sorrow of the Son of God.” - David Guzik #creation #sorrow #sonofgod
David Guzik Quote 4

David Guzik Quote 4

Description: “4 kinds of riches: In what you have, in what you do, in what you know, and in what you are (character). The first kind is the least important.” - David Guzik #riches #character #wisdom
David Legge Quote

David Legge Quote

Description: “Yes, there are harder times ahead for Christ's little flock, but I also believe in every sense that the best is yet to be!” - David Legge #christ #littleflock #godsnewthing
David Legge Quote 2

David Legge Quote 2

Description: “We need to be Christ centred again. To position ourselves for God's new thing, we've got to get rid of all these sectarian denominational idols - they've got to go! They don't represent God, they are not where He is. He's not into earthly kingdoms.” - David Legge #denominations #kingdoms #sectarian
David Legge Quote 3

David Legge Quote 3

Description: “ Truth does not belong to a system, truth does not belong to a religion, it does not belong to a denomination, it does not belong to a dogmatic persuasion - truth is a Person! Jesus!” - David Legge #system #truth #religion
David Livingstone Quote

David Livingstone Quote

Description: “Without Christ, not one step; with Him, anywhere!” - David Livingstone #guidance #abiding #christ
David MacIntyre Quote

David MacIntyre Quote

Description: “The devil is aware that with one hour of close fellowship with God is able to pull down what he has been contriving and building for many a year.” - David MacIntyre #devil #prayer #closefellowship

David Nitschmann Quote

David Nitschmann Quote

Description: “May the Lamb that was slain recieve the reward of His suffering!” - David Nitschmann #lambofgod #reward #suffering
David Platt Quote

David Platt Quote

Description: “We are settling for a Christianity that revolves around catering to ourselves when the central message of Christianity is actually about abandoning ourselves.” - David Platt #christianity #abandon #selfdenial
David Platt Quote 2

David Platt Quote 2

Description: “As we plead for the persecuted church, let's also pray for Paul-like conversions” - David Platt #persecution #persecutedchurch #conversions
David Platt Quote 3

David Platt Quote 3

Description: “While Christians choose to spend their lives fulfilling the American dream instead of giving their lives to proclaiming the kingdom of God, literally billions in need of the Gospel remain in the dark.” - David Platt #christians #americandream #unreached
David Platt Quote 4

David Platt Quote 4

Description: “God actually delights in exalting our inability. He intentionally puts his people in situations where they come face to face with their need for him.” - David Platt #inability #intentionally #people
David Platt Quote 5

David Platt Quote 5

Description: “We can so easily deceive ourselves, mistaking the presence of physical bodies in a crowd for the existence of spiritual life in a community.” - David Platt #deceive #spirituallife #community
David Ravenhill Quote

David Ravenhill Quote

Description: “While healing, holiness, end times, and evangelism are all Biblical, and have their rightful place, we can never afford to focus solely on these truths alone. Our message must always be Christ centered.” - David Ravenhill #christ #holiness #endtimes

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