| Carter Conlon Quote 12Description: “Self-focus in the house of God has greatly weakened the testimony of Christ in our society.” - Carter Conlon #self #focus #weakened
 | Carter Conlon Quote 13Description: “Prayerlessness is thievery in the house of God.” - Carter Conlon #prayer #prayerlessness #houseofgod
 | Carter Conlon Quote 2Description: “True humility comes when all self-effort dies.” - Carter Conlon #humility #selfeffort #unity
 | Carter Conlon Quote 3Description: “I've seen more Christians destroyed by ambition than any other sin - discontent in the heart, always pushing and jockeying - moving for some new thing, some new position.” - Carter Conlon #christians #destroyed #ambition
 | Carter Conlon Quote 4Description: “We have got to lay our lives down for the purposes of God.” - Carter Conlon #purposes #god #surrender
 | Carter Conlon Quote 5Description: “Beloved, do not be afraid of opposition. It is a necessary ingredient in our lives; it is bread for us.” - Carter Conlon #opposition #ingredient #bread
 | Carter Conlon Quote 6Description: “Every Christian in this generation must become a preacher, and every preacher must speak for Christ.” - Carter Conlon #christian #preacher #generation
 | Carter Conlon Quote 7Description: “It's not what we do, it's that we do what we're called to do and that in it we glorify God.” - Carter Conlon #glorify #called #calling
 | Carter Conlon Quote 8Description: “I encourage you to thank God for your enemies. The Lord has allowed them in your life for a reason.” - Carter Conlon #enemies #allowed #thanksgiving
 | Carter Conlon Quote 9Description: “I feel that times of immense hardship are just ahead of us. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken.” - Carter Conlon #hardship #persecution #immense
 | Catherine Booth QuoteDescription: “The Gospel represents Jesus Christ as a real, living, mighty Savior, able to save me now.” - Catherine Booth #gospel #jesuschrist #livingsaviour
 | Catherine Booth Quote 2Description: “If we are to better the future we must disturb the present.” - Catherine Booth #future #present #disturb
 | Catherine Booth Quote 3Description: “What the Lord wants is, that you shall go about the business to which He sets you, not asking for an easy post, nor grumbling at a hard one.” - Catherine Booth #Lord #business #grumbling
 | Catherine Booth Quote 4Description: “It seemed clear to me from the teaching of the Bible that Christ’s people should be separate from the world.” - Catherine Booth #clear #teaching #separation
 | Catherine Booth Quote 5Description: “There is nothing like the light of eternity to show what is real and what is not.” - Catherine Booth #lightofeternity #eternity #real