| Brother Andrew Quote 3Description: “In the years of living this life of faith, I have never known God's care to fail.” - Brothet Andrew #life #faith #care
 | Brother Andrew Quote 4Description: “Christians need a new filling of the Holy Spirit to love those who disagree with them.” - Brothet Andrew #filling #holyspirit #love
 | Brother Lawrence QuoteDescription: “Let us think often that our only business in this life is to please God. Perhaps all besides is but folly and vanity.” - Brother Lawrence #pleasinggod #vanity #folly
 | Brother Yun QuoteDescription: “Do not be satisfied with God's calling or His gifts in your life. Be satisfied with Jesus Christ Himself.” - Brother Yun #calling #gifts #jesuschrist
 | Brother Yun Quote 10Description: “The world can do nothing to a Christian who has no fear of man.” - Brother Yun #fearofman #christian #fearofgod
 | Brother Yun Quote 2Description: “We're not called to live by human reason. All that matters is obedience to God's Word and his leading in our lives.” - Brother Yun #reason #obedience #leading
 | Brother Yun Quote 3Description: "So many Christians seem impossibly distracted from hearing God's voice. Instead of listening to that still, small voice that brings true peace and joy, they blindly follow the voices of mainstream religion." - Brother Yun #godsvoice #peace #religion
 | Brother Yun Quote 4Description: “In the West many Christians have an abundance of material possessions, yet they live in a backslidden state.” - Brother Yun #christians #abundance #backslidden
 | Brother Yun Quote 6Description: “It's time for us to stop playing religious games with God. It's time to get serious. It's no longer good enough just to believe in Jesus; we need to become His disciples.” - Brother Yun #relgious #games #disciples
 | Brother Yun Quote 7Description: “All genuine revivals of the Lord result in believers responding with action and soul winning.” - Brother Yun #revivals #action #soulwinning
 | Brother Yun Quote 8Description: “If God says go,we'll go. If he says stay, we'll stay. When we are in his will, we are in the safest place in the world.” - Brother Yun #god #willofgod #safest
 | Brother Yun Quote 9Description: "I believe in the last days the Spirit of God will be poured out in the nations of Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. Because Jesus Christ is the Lord. Jesus Christ is the Lord of the Universe. Amen." - Brother Yun #lastdays #spiritofgod #islam
 | Brother Yun Quotes 5Description: “It is not great men who change the world, but weak men in the hands of a great God.” - Brother Yun #greatmen #weakmen #greatgod
 | Byron Paulus QuoteDescription: “We've also deceived ourselves into believing that we can love and serve God and be 'good Christians,' while failing to forgive.” - Byron Paulus #forgiveness #christians #decieved
 | C.H. Mackintosh QuoteDescription: “Love to Christ is proved by doing the things which He commands, and not merely saying, Lord, Lord.” - C.H. Mackintosh #lovetochrist #commands #lordlord