| William Rees QuoteDescription: “Here is love, vast as the ocean, Lovingkindness as the flood, When the Prince of Life, our ransom, Shed for us His precious blood. Who His love will not remember? Who can cease to sing His praise? He can never be forgotten, Throughout Heav’n’s eternal days.” - William Rees #godslove #priceoflife #ransom
| William Seymour QuoteDescription: "The Pentecostal power, when you sum it all up, is just more of God's love. If it does not bring more love, it is simply a counterfeit." - William Seymour #pentecostal #power #love #counterfeit
| William Seymour Quote 2Description: “Let us honor the blood of Jesus Christ every moment of our lives, and we will be sweet in our souls.” - William Seymour #blood #jesuschrist #souls
| William Seymour Quote 3Description: “Jesus’ promises are true and sure.” - William Seymour #promises #true #sure
| William Seymour Quote 4Description: “God is calling His people to true holiness in these days.” - William Seymour #trueholiness #fruitofthespirit #love
| William Tyndale QuoteDescription: “Christ is with us until the world's end. Let his little flock be bold therefore.” - William Tyndale #christ #littleflock
| Winkie Pratney QuoteDescription: “Every Christian a missionary; every non-Christian a mission field.” - Winkie Pratney #christian #missionary #missionfield
| Winkie Pratney Quote 2Description: “A clear conscience is absolutely essential for distinguishing between the voice of God and the voice of the enemy. Unconfessed sin is a prime reason why many do not know God's will.” - Winkie Pratney #clearconscience #unconfessedsin #godswill
| Winkie Pratney Quote 3Description: “Intellectual deception always follows moral rejection.” - Winkie Pratney #deception #homosexuality #morality
| Winkie Pratney Quote 4Description: "Every day you are witnessing.Your witness is the total package of your attitudes, character, and actions." - Winkie Pratney #witnessing #attitudes #character
| Winkie Pratney Quote 5Description: “The Holy Spirit is the gift of the Risen Christ. His anointing filling, empowering work is a baptism of love that gives power to make Jesus real to you and known to others.” - Winkie Pratney #holyspirit #risenchrist #empowering
| Winkie Pratney Quote 6Description: “Those that God used in the past were just ordinary people with an extraordinary Master. They were not all champions of great faith, but little people who saw their own need, and put their small faith in a great God.” - Winkie Pratney #ordinary #people #greatgod
| Xi Sheng-Mo QuoteDescription: "On account of many onslaughts of Satan, my wife and I for the space of three years seldom put off our clothing to go to sleep, in order that we might be the more ready to watch and pray. Sometimes in a solitary place, I spent whole nights in prayer." - Xi Sheng-Mo #prayer #satan #onslaughts
| Xiao Min QuoteDescription: “We should pray in the early morning, learn how to wait on God, love one another, be as one, live in the presence of God, and continually consecrate ourselves.” - Xiao Min #presenceofgod #prayer #waitongod
| Xiao Min Quote 2Description: “The Lord is coming soon. The Church in the end times must receive the message – they must share the Gospel, love one another, and be as one.” - Xiao Min #secondcoming #church #endtimes