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Thomas Aquinas Quote

Thomas Aquinas Quote

Description: “Grant me, O Lord my God, a mind to know you, a heart to seek you, wisdom to find you, conduct pleasing to you, faithful perseverance in waiting for you, and a hope of finally embracing you. Amen.” ― Thomas Aquinas #prayer #knowinggod #pleasing
Thomas Aquinas Quote 2

Thomas Aquinas Quote 2

Description: “Give us, O Lord, a steadfast heart, which no unworthy affection may drag downwards; give us an unconquered heart, which no tribulation can wear out.” ― Thomas Aquinas #prayer #steadfast #heart
Thomas Aquinas Quote 3

Thomas Aquinas Quote 3

Description: “The things that we love tell us what we are.” ― Thomas Aquinas #love #idol #character
Thomas Aquinas Quote 4

Thomas Aquinas Quote 4

Description: "How is it they live in such harmony, the billions of stars, when most men can barely go a minute without declaring war in their minds?" ― Thomas Aquinas #war #minds #unity
Thomas Aquinas Quote 5

Thomas Aquinas Quote 5

Description: “Sing, my tongue, the Savior's glory, of His flesh the mystery sing; of the Blood, all price exceeding, shed by our immortal King, destined, for the world's redemption, from a noble womb to spring.” - Thomas Aquinas #saviour #glory #bloodofchrist

Thomas à Kempis Quote 4

Thomas à Kempis Quote 4

Description: “Jesus has now many lovers of the heavenly kingdom but few bearers of His cross.” - Thomas à Kempis #jesus #bearers #cross

Thomas à Kempis Quote 5

Thomas à Kempis Quote 5

Description: “He has great tranquillity of heart who cares neither for the praises nor the fault-finding of men. He will easily be content and pacified, whose conscience is pure. You are not holier if you are praised, nor the more worthless if you are found fault with.” - Thomas à Kempis #praises #faultfinding #content

Thomas Boston Quote

Thomas Boston Quote

Description: “A righteous man may make a righteous work, but no work of an unrighteous man can make him righteous.” - Thomas Boston #righteousness
Thomas Boston Quote 2

Thomas Boston Quote 2

Description: “’Call on Me in the day of trouble. I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.’ The whole life of a Christian is a praying, waiting life.” - Thomas Boston #glorify #christianlife #praying
Thomas Brooks Quote

Thomas Brooks Quote

Description: “What labor and pains worldlings take to obtain the vain things of this life. To obtain the poor things of this world, which are but shadows and dreams, and mere nothings!” - Thomas Brooks #worldliness #world #vain
Thomas Chalmers Quote

Thomas Chalmers Quote

Description: “Every man is a missionary, now and forever, for good or for evil, whether he intends or designs it or not.” - Thomas Chalmers #missionary #evangelist #preacher
Thomas Cranmer Quote

Thomas Cranmer Quote

Description: “Let us reverently hear and read Holy Scripture, which is the Food of the soul. Let us diligently search for the well of life in the books of the New and Old Testament.” - Thomas Cranmer #reverently #holyscriptures #bible

Thomas DeWitt Talmage Quote

Thomas DeWitt Talmage Quote

Description: “God lifts the balances tonight. The judgment day is coming. Every day is a day of judgment. We are this moment being canvassed, inspected, weighed.” - Thomas DeWitt Talmage #judgmentday #god
Thomas Manton Quote

Thomas Manton Quote

Description: "Unless we turn away our eyes from vanity—we shall soon contract a deadness of heart. When our affections are alive to worldly things—they are dead to God." - Thomas Manton #vanity #deadness #worldly
Thomas Watson Quote

Thomas Watson Quote

Description: “He that leaves off prayer leaves off the fear of God. A man that leaves off prayer is capable of any wickedness. When Saul had given up inquiring of God he went to the witch of Endor” - Thomas Watson #prayer #wickedness #inquiring

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