| St. Anthony of the Desert QuoteDescription: “Our life and our death is with our neighbor. If we gain our brother, we have gained God, but if we scandalize our brother, we have sinned against Christ.” - St. Anthony of the Desert #death #neighbor #scandalize
 | St. Anthony of the Desert Quote 2Description: “Men will surrender to the spirit of the age. When the Church and world are one know then that those days are at hand (end times).” - St. Anthony of the Desert #surrender #church #lastdays
 | St. Anthony of the Desert Quote 3Description: “You know the demons who plot against you, fear them not. Let Christ be as the breath you breathe; in Him put your trust.” - St. Anthony of the Desert #demons #christ #trust
 | St. Athanasius QuoteDescription: “Even on the cross He did not hide Himself from sight; rather, He made all creation witness to the presence of its Maker.” - St. Athanasius #cross #creation #maker
 | St. Athanasius Quote 2Description: “The Lord did not come to make a display. He came to heal and to teach suffering men.” - St. Athanasius #display #heal #sufferingman
 | St. Athanasius Quote 3Description: “The sun veiled his face, the earth quaked, the mountains were rent asunder, all men were stricken with awe. These things showed that Christ on the cross was God.” - St. Athanasius #deity #christ #god
 | St. Athanasius Quote 4Description: “All-good Father was not unmindful of the human race that He had called to be; but rather, by the offering of His own body He abolished the death which they had incurred.” - St. Athanasius #incarnation #babyjesus #godmadeflesh
 | St. Athanasius Quote 5Description: “The All-holy Son of God. He, the Image of the Father, came and dwelt in our midst, in order that He might renew mankind made after Himself, and seek out His lost sheep.” - St. Athanasius #incarnation #sonofgod #mankind
 | St. Athanasius Quote 6Description: “For He became man that we might become divine; and He revealed Himself through a body that we might receive an idea of the invisible Father; and He endured insults from men that we might inherit incorruption” - St. Athanasius #incarnation #infantjesus #babyjesus
 | St. Benedict of Nursia Quote 2Description: “To hate no one. Not to be jealous or envious. To hate strife. To evidence no arrogance. Never despair of God’s mercy.” - St. Benedict of Nursia #hate #jealous #envious
 | St. Benedict of Nursia Quote 3Description: “It is only we who brood over our sins. God does not brood over them. God dumps them at the bottom of the sea.” - St. Benedict of Nursia #brood #sins #forget
 | St. Benedict of Nursia Quote 4Description: “Before all, and above all, attention shall be paid to the care of the sick, so that they shall be served as if they were Christ Himself.” - St. Benedict of Nursia #sick #christ #himself
 | St. Benedict of Nursia Quote 5Description: “What dear brothers, is more delightful than the voice of the Lord calling to us?” - St. Benedict of Nursia #brothers #delightful #voiceofgod
 | St. Benedict of Nursia Quote 6Description: “Prayer ought to be short and pure, unless it be prolonged by the inspiration of Divine grace.” - St. Benedict of Nursia #prayer #short #pure
 | St. Benedict of Nursia Quote 7Description: “Be careful to be gentle, lest in removing the rust, you break the whole instrument.” - St. Benedict of Nursia #correction #gentle #gentleness