| Basilea Schlink Quote 2Description: “Do not lose yourself in your everyday work and activities. Rather, lose yourself in God. When you are doing work, let your innermost heart be centered on Him. Live in His presence and abide in Him.” - Basilea Schlink #everydaywork #activities #presenceofgod
| Basilea Schlink Quote 3Description: “The prayers of the humble and lowly pierce the clouds. Be willing to bear humbling experiences, so that you become a true child. Then your prayers will have power.” - Basilea Schlink #child #prayer #humility
| Basilea Schlink Quote 4Description: “Only good things come from God's hands. He never gives you more than you can bear. Every burden prepares you for eternity.” - Basilea Schlink #goodthings #God #eternity
| Basilea Schlink Quote 6Description: "We need the reality of the Holy Spirit in our lives today more than ever before, for in our times without being equipped with the power of the Holy Spirit we are lost." - Basilea Schlink #holyspirit #equipped #power
| Basilea Schlink Quote 7Description: “Only when you have become utterly dependent upon prayer and faith, only when all human possibilities have been exhausted, can you begin to reckon that God will intervene and work His miracles.” - Basilea Schlink #dependent #exhausted #reckon
| Benedict of Nursia QuoteDescription: “The first degree of humility is prompt obedience.” - Benedict of Nursia #obedience #humility
| Bertha Smith QuoteDescription: “The secret of victorious living is through faith in the crucified and risen Christ and by union with him in that death and resurrection.” - Bertha Smith #victory #secret #risenchrist
| Bertha Smith Quote 2Description: “Young man, you don't have to beg God to help you to die to yourself. You just tell Him and He'll kill you.” - Bertha Smith #deathtoself #surrender #spirtiuality
| Bertha Smith Quote 3Description: “If He [Holy Spirit] sees that we are clean, and that he is in complete possession of us, then he will fill us just as he filled the tabernacle and the temple when they were dedicated to Him” - Bertha Smith #holyspirit #filling #dedicated
| Betty Stam QuoteDescription: “Lord, I give up all my own plans and purposes. All my own desires and hopes. And accept Thy will for my life. I give myself, my life, my all, Utterly to Thee to be Thine forever. And work out Thy whole will in my life at any cost now and forever.” - Betty Stam #plans #purposes #godswill
| Bill McLeod QuoteDescription: “There are alot of Christians, my dear friends, that just admire the promises, we have them hanging on the wall but we really do not believe them.” - Bill McLeod #promises #unbelief #sin
| Bill Mcleod Quote 2Description: “If you are not concerned with soul winning don't expect to be filled with the Spirit of God.” - Bill Mcleod #soulwinning #spiritofgod #filled
| Bill Mcleod Quote 3Description: “When the Church was clean, God began to save sinners, and 200 sinners were saved in two weeks. The problem with today is, God's problem is, the church is not clean.” - Bill Mcleod #church #clean #sinners
| Bill Mcleod Quote 4Description: “When I ask the Lord to fill me with His Holy Spirit I am, of course, relinquishing all rights to the control of my life for that day.” - Bill Mcleod #holyspirit #relinquishing #rights
| Bill Mcleod Quote 5Description: “The revival was marked with people making restitution with others or perhaps with Churches or other institutions. Conviction of sin was at times very very deep.” - Bill Mcleod #revival #restitution #conviction