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Sadhu Sundar Singh Quote 5

Sadhu Sundar Singh Quote 5

Description: “Christ is not merely a great man who is dead and gone; He is the incarnation of God, the Saviour of the world. We must live in Him -- then we shall have a message for the world and we shall see Him again in glory.” - Sadhu Sundar Singh #christ #incarnation #saviour
Sadhu Sundar Singh Quote 6

Sadhu Sundar Singh Quote 6

Description: “Ask not for gifts but for the Giver of Gifts: not for life but for the Giver of Life - then life and the things needed for life will be added unto you.” - Sadhu Sundar Singh ‪#‎giver‬ ‪#‎god‬ ‪#‎kingdomfirst‬
Saeed Abedini Quote

Saeed Abedini Quote

Description: “It may be that we will be called fools and traitors and face many difficulities, but we should crucify our will and wishes even more until the world hears and tastes the true meaning of Christmas.” - Saeed Abedini (imprisioned in Iran) #savesaeed #iran #christmas
Sammy Tippet Quote

Sammy Tippet Quote

Description: “True worship does not originate with man. It originates with God. Worship is the result of the grace of God being applied to the heart of man.” - Sammy Tippet #worship #grace #graceofgod
Sammy Tippit Quote 2

Sammy Tippit Quote 2

Description: “ It is not my style of worship nor my service for Him that makes me a true worshiper. It is His amazing grace.” - Sammy Tippit #worship #worshiper #amazinggrace
Sammy Tippit Quote 3

Sammy Tippit Quote 3

Description: “God has not changed. If we will do what God told us, He will answer our prayers and heal our land.” - Sammy Tippit #God #unchangeable #revival
Sammy Tippit Quote 4

Sammy Tippit Quote 4

Description: “Evangelism is on the heart of God. The Bible clearly tells us that God’s loves a lost and dying world. The world is on the heart of God, and the world ought to be on the hearts of God’s people.” - Sammy Tippit #evangelism #lostworld #godspeople
Samuel Chadwick Quote

Samuel Chadwick Quote

Description: “The root-trouble of the present distress is that the Church has more faith in the world and the flesh than in the Holy Ghost.” - Samuel Chadwick #flesh #world #holyspirit
Samuel Davies Quote

Samuel Davies Quote

Description: “The world is dying all around you. And can you rest easy in such a world, while unprepared for eternity? Awake to righteousness now, at the gentle call of the gospel, before the last trumpet gives you an alarm of another kind!” - Samuel Davies #gospel #eternity #righteousness
Samuel Hebich Quote

Samuel Hebich Quote

Description: “Where He grants life there is ever the bitterness of opposition.” - Samuel Hebich (missionary) #life #opposition #bitterness
Samuel Heinrich Frohlich Quote

Samuel Heinrich Frohlich Quote

Description: “O woe unto me, if God had been a man or had dealt with me as a man! He would have shattered me as a potter’s vessel.” - Samuel Heinrich Frohlich #woe #sin #depravity
Samuel Logan Brengle Quote

Samuel Logan Brengle Quote

Description: “Seek Him with all your heart, and you shall find Him; you shall indeed, for God says so, and He is waiting to give Himself to you.” - Samuel Logan Brengle #seekinggod #God
Samuel Logan Brengle Quote 2

Samuel Logan Brengle Quote 2

Description: “No great work has ever been accomplished without abandonment to it.” - Samuel Logan Brengle #greatwork #accomplished #abandonment
Samuel Logan Brengle Quote 3

Samuel Logan Brengle Quote 3

Description: “Claim the promise; feed on the word of God; feast yourself on His love and faithfulness in Jesus; wait on Him in believing, expectant prayer and you will be satisfied as with marrow and fatness.” - Samuel Logan Brengle #promise #wordofgod #faithfulness
Samuel Logan Brengle Quote 4

Samuel Logan Brengle Quote 4

Description: “We can have the glory only as we are united. Let division come, and the glory departs. Let the unity of brotherly love continue, and the glory abides.” - Samuel Logan Brengle #glory #unity #division

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