| Robert E. Webber Quote 3Description: “What holds the church together is more important than that which divides the church.” - Robert E. Webber #unity #important #church
| Robert E. Webber Quote 4Description: “I find when most people are honest about their spiritual pilgrimage, they admit to the difficulty of maintaining the habit of a spiritual discipline.” - Robert E. Webber #spiritual #pilgrimage #discipline
| Robert E. Webber QuotesDescription: “For years, the church has emphasized evangelism, teaching, missions, to the neglect of the very source of its power -- worship.” - Robert E. Webber #worship #missions #evangelism
| Robert Leighton QuoteDescription: “The Sum is: 1. Remember always the presence of God. 2. Rejoice always in the will of God. And 3. Direct all to the glory of God.” - Robert Leighton #presenceofgod #rejoice #gloryofgod
| Robert Moffat QuoteDescription: “Oh, that I had a thousand lives and a thousand bodies! All of them should be devoted to no other employment but to preach Christ.” - Robert Moffat #preach #christ
| Robert Murray McCheyne QuoteDescription: “Set not your hearts on the flowers of this world. They shall fade and die. Prize the Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley. He changes not!” - Robert Murray McCheyne #christ #world #eternity
| Robert Murray McCheyne Quote 2Description: “I need to be made willing to be forgotten.” - Robert Murray McCheyne #willing #forgotten #mccheyne
| Roger Hertzler QuoteDescription: “According to Luke 12:33, we are to practice lavish generosity. There are many people who have stopped laying up treasures on earth, but have not started laying up treasures in Heaven.” - Roger Hertzler #treasures #money #generosity
| Rowland Hill QuoteDescription: “I tell you that true righteousness creates heaven in men's houses; and where the fear of God is there is righteousness in every department in the family circle.” - Rowland Hill #righteousness #family #godliness
| Roy Hession QuoteDescription: "The Lord Jesus cannot live in us fully and reveal Himself through us until the proud self within us is broken." - Roy Hession #lordjesus #reveal #proudself
| Sabina Wurmbrand QuoteDescription: “The Son of God, who has given His life for you and wishes to be Lord and master in your heart. He forgives your sins, He takes over your problems. He brings His grace and His peace and His richness in your life.” - Sabina Wurmbrand #sonofgod #problems #peace
| Sadhu Sundar Singh QuoteDescription: “Those who determine not to put self to death will never see the will of God fulfilled in their lives.” - Sadhu Sundar Singh #willofgod #deathtoself
| Sadhu Sundar Singh Quote 2Description: “Prayer does not mean asking God for all kinds of things we want, it is rather the desire for God Himself, the only Giver of Life.” - Sadhu Sundar Singh #prayer #god #giveroflife
| Sadhu Sundar Singh Quote 3Description: “We Indians do not want a doctrine, not even a religious doctrine, we have enough and more than enough of that kind of thing; we are tired of doctrines. We need the Living Christ.” - Sadhu Sundar Singh #indians #doctrine #livingchrist
| Sadhu Sundar Singh Quote 4Description: “The true Christian is like sandalwood, which imparts its fragrance to the axe which cuts it, without doing any harm in return.” - Sadhu Sundar Singh #christian #suffering #sandalwood