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SermonIndex - Promoting Revival to this Generation
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Vintage Photos : ~Other Speakers G-L : Vance Havner : 

Vance Havner 01

Vance Havner 01

Description: What president ever said in his speeches that our real trouble is sin? All other ailments are suggested, and countless remedies are proposed, but what national leader ever names the basic malady? We try to mop the floor while we leave the faucet running. Anybody with his eyes half open and a Bible in hand ought to be able to diagnose our disease. This is not the exclusive prerogative of theologians. All other trouble is due to heart trouble. We are sinners and something must be done about sin. Something has been done by God in Christ but men will not accept the diagnosis and take the treatment. We must do something about the sin and the Saviour, for the two supreme issues are the sin question and the Son questions.
Vance Havner 02

Vance Havner 02

Description: In my meetings through the years, I have discovered that most of the members of my church do not think it important to attend a revival. We have the faithful in the local flock, plus visitors from other fellowships Christians who love God and His Word. I have often looked at this mixture and reflected that here is true ecumenicity, of which the present-day effort to organize church union is the imitation. These Christians belong to different communions and only God keeps the roll of His true church. It cannot be organized, for that would be the death of it. But here is the mainstream of Gods purpose today not in our vast institutionalized Christianity. Here is the true ecclesia but of course we must work with things as they are in our local churches for all their faults and failings. Time and again somebody has tried to begin a new fellowship of New Testament Christians but it always ends as just an other denomination. So we work with the setup as it is, for no church has ever been perfect. But we must hold up the stand?ard and aim at perfection and not surrender to complacent satisfaction with things as they are. If there is to be another revival, it will come in an upsurge among Gods people of every connection, born-again believers in Jesus Christ. Some of us are willing to pray for a revival in our denomination, but who would think of praying for a revival in the church across the street!
Vance Havner 03

Vance Havner 03

Description: If the Lord tarries, there may yet be a grass-roots awakening that will overflow all sectarian barriers. There are a host of good people who couldnt care less about this theologian or that, but who need to rekindle the fire of God within them and who long for a visitation from heaven in old-time power The kindling wood is scattered all around in all the churches May God help us to rake off the ashes, uncover the live coals and may He blow upon us with the breath of His Spirit!
Vance Havner 04

Vance Havner 04

Description: Dr. Vance Havner was a revivalist. He authored nearly forty books during his ministry. His unique style has impacted thousands of God's people through the years. He is considered by many to be the most quoted preacher of the 20th century. Consider this book your opportunity to spend a minute or two with a New Testament prophet. Billy Graham once said, "I do not know of any man in my generation who has stirred revival fires in the hearts of so many people throughout the nation as has Vance Havner..." Dr. Havner was known for his one liners that have found there way into thousands of books and sermons. These writings will be an encouragement to pastors, Bible teachers and laymen as they study the Scriptures. Whether you use this book as a personal devotional or as a study tool, you'll find the insights enlightening and inspiring.
Vance Havner 05

Vance Havner 05

Description: Considered one of America's most quoted preachers, Vance Havner was also a great revival evangelist. He was equally at ease at a Moody Bible Institute conference or in a small country church. This editor had the privilege of hearing him for the last time in a small Southern Baptist church a few years before he died. As was his custom, he read his sermon to the congregation word-for-word. Sounds boring? It wasn't! The sweet Holy Spirit settled upon the congregation as he preached, and the altar was filled at invitation time. Havner never pulled punches. His attitude was, as all preachers should be -- I've got a message from God, and here it is! We need more preachers just like him.
Vance Havner 06

Vance Havner 06

Description: I saw a human life ablaze with God; I felt a power divine As through an empty vessel of frail clay I saw God's glory shine. Then woke I from a dream, and cried aloud: "My Father, give to me The blessing of a life consumed by God, That I may live for Thee!"
Vance Havner 07

Vance Havner 07

Description: It is true that Pentecost, historically, took place once for all. So did Calvary. But each individual must personally appropriate the blood by faith and so must each believer receive by faith the Spirit for power. The promise of the Spirit is received by faith (Gal. 3: 14). It is an experience of spiritual thirst, then coming to Christ, drinking of the Spirit by faith, believing and overflowing (John 7: 37-39). So the blood and bread must be accompanied by fire. We have fundamentalism and facts; we have activity and earnestness and sincerity; we even have blood-washed and blood-nourished Christians, well-taught in the Word, WHO STILL LACK FIRE. Some are prejudiced against it, identifying any definite experience of the Spirit with fanaticism. Some see nothing but a gradual growth in grace. Some mistake the indwelling of the Spirit for the infilling. Some have "received" with a cheap and easy "believism" who somehow did not receive after all. For many reasons the church is largely behind closed doors as before Pentecost, and believers try to stir up a fire from their own sparks instead of being set on fire of God.
Vance Havner 08

Vance Havner 08

Description: We are not here advocating some wild and weird emotional experience, but we do hold that he who seeks to burn out for God will have to go deeper than sentence prayers and occasional wishful thinking. There must be a holy burning and a consuming longing for the fullness of the Spirit. Tears and fastings and all night prayers have no value of themselves, but God will reward the man who forgets all else seeking the double portion of "power with God and men." It is not that God is stingy and must be coaxed, for He "giveth liberally and upbraideth not." It is that we ourselves are so shallow and sinful that we need to tarry before Him until our restless natures can be stilled and the clamor of outside voices be deadened so that we can hear His voice. Such a state is not easily reached, and the men God uses have paid a price in wrestlings and prevailing prayer. But it is such men who rise from their knees confident of His power and go forth to speak with authority and not as the scribes.

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