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Vintage Photos : ~Other Speakers G-L : Art Katz : 

Art Katz

Art Katz (1929 – 2007)

View images and photos of the speaker Art Katz. He was radically converted by reading the New Testament. God used him to have a powerful prophetic insight into the end-times and the coming suffering of the jewish people before the great accepting of Jesus as Messiah. His eschatological insight is a very needful truth to be realized in the body of Christ.

Art was a prophetic voice insofar as he called his listeners to purposes in God that would affect both time and eternity, purposes that had to do with the glory of God in the Church. Frequently, his messages called the Church to an awareness of the Last Days [End-times] in such a way that made that time seem imminent and at the door.

Art Katz

Art Katz

Description: If the prophet Isaiah seeing the Lord high and lifted up cried out “Woe is me, I am undone! I am a man of unclean lips and I live in the midst of a people of unclean lips.” What then shall we say who are not prophets and oracles of God. We need to have our vision and our sight corrected. We need to address our lives to the plumb line of God. The standard of God to the cross of Christ Jesus. Not academically, religiously, or superficially – but in the actual experience of our lives as those who have come wiling to abandon everything. Paul said “I am determined to know nothing but Christ and Him crucified.” We desperately and urgently need to know Him – exactly as He is.
Art Katz 2

Art Katz 2

Description: We have lost even the difference, the sense of the difference, between that which is sacred and that which is profane. I believe that God could lay at the door of the church the full responsibility for the present condition of the world. And the things over which we cluck our tongues and point our fingers and look distain down our noses about are the things which can be attributed to us for we have not established in the earth a standard and an alternative to which a dying world might have turned. They simply did not know that there is such a thing as that which is holy and that which is sacred. For we ourselves are wallowing in the things that are earthly, common, unclean, and profane. The only alternative to that which is earthly, carnal, sensual and devilish is that which is heavenly. And there is no way to attain to that which is heavenly independent of the cross of Christ Jesus.
Art Katz 3

Art Katz 3

Description: How is it that these rude men, fishermen and louts who had no advantage of the kind that we have enjoyed, were able to turn cities upside down and shake the earth? Why is it we have not had a corresponding affect in our own generation? The answer, in my opinion is, that in missing the cross we have missed the power of the resurrection, we have sidestepped the cross as a subject let alone as experience because we have no tolerance or sympathy for suffering. The denial of self in any form is suffering. And we have not been encouraged to that.
Art Katz 4

Art Katz 4

Description: True New Testament ministry of the kind that is penetrating and that affects time and eternity must grow out of His life and the life comes out of the relationships. There’s an extraordinary organic connection between the expression of the ministry and the foundation of life in koinonia out of which it must come. God has seen to it. Anything else is aberration, distortion and contradiction from the New Testament example of God.
Art Katz Potrait 2

Art Katz Potrait 2

Description: Fellowship today sort of has the ring of popcorn. “Fellowship. Well, we’ll have fellowship.” That means a little back slap. Here’s what it means, “that they may all be one.” Its not sublimating your differences and swallowing them down, or by concealing issues or turning your back on them. It means by totally giving oneself over to the issues of truth. It means expressing what’s in your heart, speaking the truth in love and exhorting one another daily while it is yet today. It means confrontation. It means bringing to the surface and to the light the things that are concealed in the dark rather than swallowing them down and looking the wrong way and hoping by a little glib smile and a slap on the back to pass them over!
Survive The Perilous End Times

Survive The Perilous End Times

Description: If a "picture speaks a 1000 words," many will remember the classic sign that hung ominously by the dining hall entrance!

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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