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Vintage Photos : ~Other Speakers S-Z : A.B. Simpson : 

A.B. Simpson

A.B. Simpson (1843 - 1919)

View images and photos of the speaker A.B. Simpson. Simpson is the founder of the Christian Missionary Alliance Movement that began in Canada with a desire to promote missions and global evangelism. He was used powerfully of the Lord to unify many brothers and sisters in a common purpose of fulfilling the great commission.

A.W. Tozer joined with the Missionary Alliance denomination because of the teachings of A.B. Simpson and specific his writings on holiness: "A Larger Christian Life." He wrote many hymns and added a great emphasis on the person of Jesus Christ in church-life.

A.B. Simpson at age 17

A.B. Simpson at age 17

Description: A picture of A.B. Simpson at age 17.
Albert & Margaret Simpson, Hamilton, Ontario

Albert & Margaret Simpson, Hamilton, Ontario

Description: A picture of Albert & Margaret Simpson, Hamilton, Ontario.
Albert & Margaret Simpson, Nyack New York

Albert & Margaret Simpson, Nyack New York

Description: A picture of Albert & Margaret Simpson, Nyack New York.
Albert Benjamin Simpson at age 17

Albert Benjamin Simpson at age 17

Description: A picture of Albert Benjamin Simpson at age 17.
Albert Benjamin Simpson, formal portrait

Albert Benjamin Simpson, formal portrait

Description: A picture of Albert Benjamin Simpson, formal portrait.
Albert Benjamin Simpson, informal portrait

Albert Benjamin Simpson, informal portrait

Description: A picture of Albert Benjamin Simpson, informal portrait.
Albert Benjamin Simpson, portrait

Albert Benjamin Simpson, portrait

Description: A picture of Albert Benjamin Simpson, portrait.
Margaret Henry Simpson, formal portrait

Margaret Henry Simpson, formal portrait

Description: A picture of Margaret Henry Simpson, formal portrait.
Margaret Henry Simpson, portrait

Margaret Henry Simpson, portrait

Description: A picture of Margaret Henry Simpson, portrait.

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