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Vintage Photos : ~Other Speakers M-R : A.W. Pink : 

A.W. Pink

A.W. Pink (1886 - 1952)

View images and photos of the speaker A.W. Pink. Studied at Moodly Bible Institute and pastored some churches in America. He was not very accepted in his congregations which finally made him move back to England to be involved in writing ministry full-time till his death.

He was strictly calvinist in this thinking but many of his writings also reflect balance and openness to other views of doctrine. Especially his teachings on antichrist and end-times were promoted well during his life. He wrote over 40 books and many pamphlets including he distributed titled: "Studies in the Scriptures."

A.W. Pink 01

A.W. Pink 01

Description: A picture of A.W. Pink.
A.W. Pink 02

A.W. Pink 02

Description: A picture of A.W. Pink.

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