| Inside Moriah ChapelDescription: The disciples, on the day of Pentecost, had more than force. They had had understanding, when Christ opened their minds to the interpretation of the Scriptures; they had had knowledge in the three and-a-half years in Gospel work: in healing the sick, in casting out demons, in seeing miracles performed, in listening to the things of the Kingdom uttered in parable and without parable uttered in illustrative and picturesque language, and in open truth the flaming swaying sword of truth. They had been trained to watch; trained to pray; trained to observe; trained to detect the presence of evil spirits in men and to cast them out; trained to heal the sick. Things, which they had never comprehended, were now, on the day of Pentecost, rightly interpreted to them by the Holy Ghost. Sin they knew had to be dealt with, and Satan, too.