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Moriah Chapel today

Moriah Chapel today

Description: Peter, in declaring his allegiance to Christ, said, in order to prove its genuineness, that he would abide with Him unto death; yet by the taunt of a Roman maid he revoked his utterance, revealing his allegiance to be less than superficial. In reality there was none when he said, “I know not the Man.” What a descent from the highest point of declaration of allegiance to the lowest point of denial! The “old man’s” words and the “old man’s” deeds do not agree — there is painful discord. He said, “I will die with Thee,” but the truth was, “I will deny Thee.” “Die with” and “Deny “are two irreconcilable extremes. But the man’s volition only needed, and needed, a clothing with the new man’s power. The words were those of a courageous man. But he who has suffered not can well promise to die. The poor would give alms if only they were rich. The promises of the experienced are to be trusted. The sufferer is the one to promise “to die with,” He knows what suffering is, and how to bear and how much to bear. Peter’s declaration savoured of courage; his faithlessness that of a coward.

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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