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Hymns Of The Apostolic Church by John Brownlie

O Lord of light, Thy beams display,

tr., John Brownlie


O Lord of light, Thy beams display,

And waken joy in every heart;

Bring to our souls the light of day,

And bid our brooding night depart.


In Thy fair realm there is no gloom,

The radiant day is never done;

They need no candle to illume,

Nor wait the rising of the sun.


No morning ushers in the day,

Nor evening marks its slow decline;

There Thou art sun, and shinest aye,

And all the light and joy are Thine.


Eternal Light, Eternal Day,

No eve obscures, no darkness hides;

But clear the noon-tide shines alway,

For there Thy presence aye abides.


Come at this hour, O Light divine,

As daylight fades, and night is nigh,

And in our souls with radiance shine,

As Thou art wont in realms on high.

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