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Hymns Of The Apostolic Church by John Brownlie

Cathismata of the Resurrection

tr., John Brownlie


Gone is the glowing orb of day,

The hues of sunset fade away,

And all the world is still;

The starlight sparkles to the sight,

As fall the curtains of the night

On every vale and hill.


O God, 'twas night when, all too soon,

The dark eclipsed the light at noon;

And men, convulsed with dread,

The Cross upon the hill descried

On which the God-man groaned and died,

With shame upon His head.


And night prevailed with dismal gloom

While, 'prisoned in the awful tomb,

The Christ in stillness lay:

But every night a morn precedes,

And darkness into brightness leads, --

And dawned the glorious day.


O God, in mercy, grant that we

The Resurrection light may see

When death's still night is past;

And to the risen Christ arise,

While morning fills th' eternal skies

With glory that shall last.


Gone is the glowing orb of day,

The hues of sunset fade away,

And dark the night descends;

O God, Thy servants guard, we pray,

Till morn awakes another day,

And till life's journey ends.

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