|Mother, Mrs. Oats is very sick!| Ruth said as she came in the door, looking very sad. |Mama, she is sick; she is awful sick. I'm sorry for her. What shall we do for her? Let's go into the other room and pray and ask Jesus what he wants me to do.|
So Mother and her little girl went into the other room and knelt down. Ruth began to pray and ask Jesus what she should do for Mrs. Oats. And all of a sudden she jumped up and said, |Jesus told me what to do. He told me to go over and lay my hands on her and pray for her, and he would heal her.| And without an answer, Ruth, who was just six years old ran out the door and didn't stop running till she was at Mrs. Oat's bedside.
|Turn over here, Mrs. Oats,| Ruth said, as she laid her hand on Mrs. Oats' shoulder. |I came over here to pray for you and Jesus is going to heal you.|
Mrs. Oats replied, |Well, pray for me, you blessed little angel; if the Lord would hear anyone's prayers, he would hear yours.|
Ruth laid her hands on her and prayed for her and the Lord instantly healed her. She got up and dressed and came over and told Ruth's mother what Ruth had done.
-- Essie Wilson