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The Expositors Bible The Epistle To The Hebrews by Jonathan Edwards


The numerals refer to the pages.

Aaron, consecration of, 185;
priesthood of, 79, 128.

Abel's faith, 223.

Abraham, faith of, 213;
God's oath to, 101;
promise made to, 9;
seed of, 45.

Adam, 220;
the second, 36.

Agnostics, 235.

Acquittal of Christ, 168.

Alaric, 272.

Allegory of Melchizedek, 113.

Altar, 323.

Angels, assembly of, 301;
as emanations, 22;
man inferior to, 34;
ministry of, 27, 316.

Anticipation of nature, 241.

Antinomianism, 148, 201.

Antiochus Epiphanes, 264.

Apostasy, 95.

Architect of all, God the, 54.

Aristotle's doctrine of habit, 85.

Assemblies, Church, 187.

Assurance, 174.

Athletes, 194.

Atonement, day of, 296;
Christ's, 38.

Augustine cited, 142.

Authority of our High priest, 77.

Baptism, 186;
infant, 240.

Baptisms, doctrine of, 87.

Barak's faith, 26.

Benediction, apostolic, 329.

Bengel, 100.

Blessing of God, 89.

Brotherhood, Christ's, 39, 41.

Bruce, Dr., Humiliation of Christ, 44.

Cain, how far he had faith, 223.

Calvin, 100, 250.

Canaan, rest of, 61.

Character in relation to understanding of truth, 90.

Christ, the coming of, 195;
a spotless victim, 156;
death of, 37, 93;
return of, 188;
as creator, 9;
the effulgence of God's glory, 12;
as theocratic king, 26, 179;
piety of, 77;
true man, 167;
unchangeable, 164;
unites all revelations of God, 8;
as first-begotten, 26;
as Leader, 38;
His trust in God, 40;
His humiliations a propitiatory in death, 37;
more worthy than Moses, 55;
incapable of sin, 72;
the great Shepherd, 328.

Christology of the Epistle, 178.

Christopher, legend of, 317.

Church, consciousness of the, 187;
customs, 187;
idea of the, 185.

Cloud of witnesses, 259, 279.

Cocceius, 126.

Coleridge, S. T., cited, 304.

Colossian heresy, 22.

Colossians, Epistle to the, 22.

Conflict of faith, 273, 277.

Conscience, enlightened, 158, 227, 248;
natural, 152, 155;
enfeebled by Judaism, 156;
as a revelation of God, 3;
not satisfied under the Law, 123.

Consecration, priestly, 185.

Conversion, immediate, 242.

Cross, use of the word, 281.

Creed, the Nicene, 15.

Cynicism, 96, 190.

Cyprian cited, 95.

Covenant, new. See under New.

Covenant, old, 307.

David's faith, 263.

Death a spiritual conception, 43.

Deborah's faith, 261.

Delitzsch cited, 114.

Demons, faith of, 224.

De Lyra, 258.

Discipline of conscience, 175;
of character, 283.

Doctrines, strange, 317.

Dominion bestowed on man through Christ, 36.

Dreams once a revelation of God, 10.

Earnestness, 100.

Ecstasy, 11, 53.

Effulgence of God's glory, 12.

Eleazar's faith, 264.

Elijah's removal, 220;
his faith, 263;
his sudden appearances, 6;
defiled by touching a dead person, 155.

Elisha defiled by touching a dead person, 155.

Emanations, doctrine of, 21 sqq.

Enoch's faith, 219.

Ephesians, Epistle to the, 52.

Equity of our High-priest, 72, 74.

Esau a representative of the worldly spirit, 287.

Essenes, 26, 320 sqq.

Eternal duration of Christ's priesthood, 116.

Exhortations of the Epistle compared, 183.

Exmanition of Christ, 44.

Failure, impossibility of, 99.

Faith, as an initial grace, 86;
as confidence, 200;
as trust, 201;
and works, 201;
as an inner life, 201;
and morality, 202;
as a realisation of the unseen, 204;
as proof, 204;
as obedience, 215;
groping for the light, 238;
as endurance, 273;
the better, 267.

Family, the, 241.

Father of our spirit, God as, 284.

Fatherhood, of God, 32;
Old Testament conception of God's, 145;
Christ's conception of God's, 145.

Federalist theology, 126.

Finality of Christ's work, 167.

First-begotten, Christ the, 26.

Flesh, use of the word, 152.

Forensic conception of the atonement, 171, 224.

Forgiveness, 145 sq.;
under the Old Testament, 146.

Forty years since Christ's ascension, 57.

Galatians, Epistle to the, 175.

Gideon's faith, 261.

Glory, of sonship, 37;
of leadership, 38;
in power to consecrate, 39;
in destroying Satan, 42.

God, not a mechanician, 209;
the Son is, 27;
a consuming fire, 309.

Gnostics, 22.

Greek gods human, 21.

Habakkuk, prophecy of, 195.

Habit, Aristotle's doctrine of, 85.

Habits, evil, 91.

Hades, Christ in, 170.

Haggai, prophesy of, 306.

Heathenism, 64, 202.

Heaven, a sanctuary, 70;
purification of, 163;
a city, 218.

Hebrew conception of God, 21.

Heir, Christ the, 8.

Herod, deification of, 96.

Heroes of religion, 234.

High-priest, the great, 69.

High-priest, the, an embodiment of the old covenant, 69.

Hofmann on Christ's humiliation, 44.

Holiest place, the, 150 sq.

Holy Ghost, partaking of the, 91;
sin against the, 95.

Hope of faith, 276.

House, God's, 56.

Humiliation of Christ, 44;
dominion rests on, 37.

Ideas of God, 208.

Ignatius, St., 76.

Illumination, gift of, 93.

Illusiveness of life, 221.

Image, use of the word, 176;
of God's substance, 13.

Imagination, nature's highest gift, 4.

Implicit faith, 241.

Immutable things, 103.

Incarnation, the, 45 sq.

Incense, altar of, 151.

Individualism, 141.

Inheritance, the eternal, 161.

Initial grace, 91.

Intercession of Christ, 128, 134.

Interpretation of nature, 241.

Introspection, 105.

Isaac, 102;
resurrection of, 228;
blessing of, 259.

Isaiah, cited, 40;
faith of, 261.

Jacob's blessing, 249, 259.

James, St., on faith, 200.

Jephthah's faith, 261.

Jeremiah predicts a new covenant, 138.

Jerusalem, the church of, 9, 85;
the heavenly, 153.

Jesus, as God's servant, 55;
looking unto, 279;
faith of, 280;
as leader and perfecter of faith, 280;
unchangeable, 318.

John, St., First Epistle of, 135.

Joseph, faith of, 260.

Josephus on Essenes, 26.

Joshua son of Hanan, 188.

Judah, Jesus sprang from, 122.

Judaism, earlier and later, 234;
Christ not the flowering of, 249.

Judgment, the coming of Christ a, 188;
doctrine of eternal, 87.

Justice, God's, 99.

Kindness, brotherly, 99.

King, Christ the theocratic, 26.

Kingship of Christ, 179, 308.

Knowledge of God, 144.

Kurtz, History of the Old Covenant, 253.

Lapsed, the, 95.

Law, given through angels, 23;
given by the Son, 31;
contrasted with salvation, 31;
how far immutable, 63.

Laying on of hands, 87.

Legalism, 148, 202.

Maccabaean Princes, 115.

Macknight, 248.

Malebranche cited, 205.

Man, how inferior to the angels, 34.

Martyrdom, 194.

Mass, sacrifice of the, 134.

Mediator, Christ a, 137;
of the new covenant, 302.

Melchizedek, 75, 79, 88, 106, 113, 135, 156.

Mercy-seat, the, 154.

Merivale, Dean, Romans under the Empire, 96, 196.

Messiah, David's Lord, 114.

Messianic, the eighth Psalm, 35.

Midian, purpose of Moses' sojourn in, 253.

Minister of the Sanctuary, Christ the, 133, 169.

Ministering to the saints, 192, 313.

Miracles, 30 sq., 306.

Missionary brethren, 315.

Monotheist, Melchizedek a, 118.

Moral instincts, 205.

Mosaic dispensation created by Christ, 51.

Moses, 32;
a steward of Christ, 54;
inferior to Christ, 55;
faith of, 233;
mission of, 236;
inner life of, 237;
comeliness of, 239;
Stephen's account of, 245;
fear of, 300.

Mythology, 148.

Nation, a spiritual, 236.

Nationalism of the old covenant, 140, 243.

Natural religion, 3.

Nature, the vesture of the Son, 27;
interrogated, 8;
as a revelation of God, 3;
dissolution of, 307.

Nestorian doctrine, 169.

New covenant, superiority of the, 142;
in relation to the law, 143;
in relation to knowing God, 144.

Newman, Cardinal, The Arians, 13.

New Testament, produced in one age, 7;
only accounted for by the Incarnation, 7.

Nicene Creed, 15.

Noah's faith, 215.

Nomadic life, 218.

Novatianists, 95.

Oath, of God to Abraham, 101;
of men and God contrasted, 104.

Obedience of the Son, 77.

Old Testament defective in unity, 6.

Oneness of the Dispensations, 51.

Ontological argument, the, 209.

Oosterzee, Person and Work of the Redeemer, 317.

Parable, use of the word, 228.

Passover, 320.

Paul, St., on the atonement, 224;
manner of, 29;
his account of faith, 201.

Peace of conscience, 174.

Permission and command, 227.

Personality, greatness of Christ's, 120;
of God, 208.

Phantoms, 203, 241.

Pharisaism, 235.

Philo, on child in knowledge, 85;
on the earnest soul, 102;
on Abraham's faith, 216;
on Melchizedek, 115;
on the use of allegory, 116;
on the Word as an effulgence, 15.

Piety of Christ, 77.

Pity of our High-priest, 73.

Plato on reminiscence, 222.

Pre-existence of Christ, 126 sq., 248.

Priesthood, the foundation of Christ's power, 43;
of Christ on earth, 169.

Priest-King, the Son as, 17.

Probation after death, 167.

Progress, moral, 86.

Promise, implies a threatening, 58;
and oath of God, 104.

Prophecy, in what respects defective, 5.

Prophets, as preachers, 147;
received their message through the Son, 54;
visions of the, 10.

Purification, of the tabernacle, 163;
of heaven, 163.

Qualifications of the High-Priest, 74.

Race, illustration of the, 276.

Rahab's faith, 261.

Ratification of the new covenant, 162.

Realisation of Christ, 52.

Reconciliation of God, 78;
the holiest place a symbol of, 152.

Reign of Christ on earth, 136.

Reminiscence, Plato's doctrine of, 222.

Remorse, 190 sq.

Rendall, Epistle to the Hebrews, 320, 323.

Renewal, impossibility of, 83.

Repentance an initial grace, 86.

Representation recognized in the New Testament, 241.

Representative man, Christ the, 34.

Resentment belongs to God's fatherhood, 32.

Rest, offered by Christ, 58;
the ideal of the Old Testament, 58;
from labour the rudimentary Sabbath, 60;
in Canaan, 61;
described by the Psalmist, 61.

Resurrection, doctrine of the, 87;
of Christ, 72.

Retribution, 191;
Old Testament conception of, 300.

Revealer of God -- Son of God, 24.

Revelation of God, 294 sq.

Righteousness, word of, 88.

Robertson, History of the Church, 262.

Ruth, 261.

Sabbath, the, 60, 62, 166.

Sabellius, 28.

Sacrament, 255.

Saintliness, 214.

Salvation contrasted with law, 31.

Samson's faith, 262.

Samuel the prophet, on obedience, 177.

Sanctification, what, 41;
use of the word, 178.

Sanctuary, the outer, has ceased to exist, 150 sq., 158.

Satan, atonement not given to, 43;
destruction of, 42;
as tempter, 72.

Scott, Thomas, 248.

Sense, a spiritual, 85.

Separateness of Jesus, 75.

Septuagint, 35, 139, 306.

Shadow, the law had only a, 173.

Shedding of blood, 170.

Shiloh, promise of the, 249.

Sibyl, fable of the, 59.

Sin, the besetting, 277;
Christ incapable of, 72.

Sinai, Mount, 297.

Sinners, use of the word, 275.

Sin-offering, 322.

Socinas, Faustus, 169.

Son of man, sin against the, 95.

Sons, discipline of, 284.

Sonship of Christ, defined, 28;
a revelation of God, 12.

Soul of Christ in Hades, 170.

Special trials of Christ, 76.

Spirit, an eternal, 156;
of grace, what, 190.

Spirit, the Holy, 152, 306.

Spiritualism, 11.

Staff, Jacob's, 260.

Stephen reproaches the Jews, 23.

Subsisting, the Son's distinct mode of, 14.

Supernatural erected on nature, 64.

Surety for God, 125.

Sustainer, the Word as, 16.

Sympathy wanting to the angels, 74.

Tabernacle, description of the, 150;
the greater, 153;
purification of the, 163.

Table, the Lord's, 322.

Tantalus, 221.

Teachings of the Twelve Apostles, 84.

Teachers in the Church, 84.

Temptation of Christ real, 72.

Testament, 161.

Tertullian cited, 264.

Thankfulness, 309.

Theology, 88 sq.

Timothy, 329.

Traducianism, 222.

Trinity, the, 13.

Typical character of the Law, 163.

Uhlhorn, Charity in the Ancient Church, 316.

Union the basis of consecration, 41.

Universalism of Christ and St. Paul, 141.

Veil of Christ's flesh, 170.

Vineyard, parable of the, 31.

Wesleys, epitaph of the, 233.

Whitby, 248.

Wilderness, discipline of the, 250.

Will of God our sanctification, 177.

Wisdom, Book of, 42.

Witnesses, use of the word, 269.

Word of God, living, 65, 305;
immutable, 63.

Wordsworth, W., cited, 222.

Works, dead, 88.

World, end of the, 166.

Worship, the result of a revelation, 3.

Zechariah, Book of, 115, 122; faith of, 264.

Zion, Mount, 153, 297 sq.

Printed by Hazell, Watson, & Viney, Ld., London and Aylesbury.

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