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Indian Methodist Hymn-book by Various

The Ten Commandments in Alkomaylum.

Awpul skwells kwa Tchee-tchilth-See-am.

1 Oolawl-tcha kwa T-S khakha-stokh-okh.

2 Owa-tchuh ee-ise-okh kwa stem staa kwa T-S.

3 Owa-tchuh kal-kul-aylth-okh ta skwikhs kwa Tchee-tchilth-See-am.

4 Ay-e-skwas kwaw-kwatchit Skha-khut-lat.

5 Ay-e-skwas kwaw-kwa-tchit taswa lay mal, ka taswa lay tal.

6 Owa-tchuh kie-tokh kwa wat.

7 Owa-tchuh kwus sthee-its-tul.

8 Owa-tchuh kwus kal kwa stem tilay kwa latcha.

9 Owa-tchuh kwus ma-me`tsul kaylam.

10 Owa-tchuh kwus kwolkwul-aywal kwus sthee-its-tul, ka kwus kal kwus stem.

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