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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 30 OH I AM SO HAPPY IN JESUS. G. H. 1-6 No. 147.

Indian Methodist Hymn-book by Various

30 OH I AM SO HAPPY IN JESUS. G. H. 1-6 No. 147.


O hayluk tal skwilawal ta Jesus,
Swas satsee-ul tokla a-yelokh-sthawm;
May hayluk tal skwilawal kwus staylim,
Osthayte tokla Jesus stlay-il-sthawm.

O hayluk tal skwilawal ta Jesus,
Lay hi stukh ta kul skwilawal;
O hayluk tal skwilawal ta Jesus,
Osthayte tokla Jesus stlay-il-sthawm.



1 Oh, I am so happy in Jesus,
His blood has redeemed me from sin,
I weep and I sing in my gladness,
To know He is dwelling within.

Oh, I am so happy in Jesus,
From sin and from sorrow so free;
So happy that He is my Saviour,
So happy that Jesus loves me.

2 Oh, I am so happy in Jesus,
If earth in His love is so blest,
What joy in His glorified presence,
To sit at His feet as His guest.

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