Jesus tchalal ooli see-am,
Lay tomuk shwa-lays lam see-akwom;
Tokla see-am lay tomuk shwalays
Tchalal may lalam ta see-am.
Tchalal tomuk mestay-okh ts'kulth-kham,
E staylim whimay tokla See-am,
Tomuk mestayokh tzayte tokla
E kwe-khit lay taswa lalam.
1 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
Doth his successive journeys run;
His kingdom stretch from shore to shore,
Till suns shall rise and set no more.
2 For him shall endless prayer be made,
And praises throng to crown his head;
His name like sweet perfume shall rise
With every morning sacrifice.
3 Let every creature rise, and bring
Its grateful honors to our King;
Angels descend with songs again,
And earth prolong the joyful strain.